Crazy Isn't Too Bad

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You remember falling asleep thinking about how crazy you actually are, I mean come on you smiled and even giggled when you knew that two serial killers were in your house and then snuggled with one...No sane person does that. But then again no sane person who meets these guys is alive or sane anymore. So really you should be thankful that you're crazy.

You finally get up out of your bed, the two killers long gone by now but you can sense that someone is watching. Whether that's them or someone else you don't quite know yet. You stretch and notice a book slightly out of place, you pick it up and smile "So-" You were about to speak when you realise that whoever is watching you can probably hear you and if you talk about last night they'll know that you know. So you think to yourself instead. This must be the book that EJ was reading...I'll just put that here. You place the book on your windowsill, put your phone on charge and then make your bed before going into the bathroom to get washed and dressed. You feel the presence disappear whilst you're getting changed. You smile at that, at least they understand privacy.
(Your Outfit:

When you're dressed you walk out, the presence is now back but you ignore it and sit on your bed to check your phone, a few messages and notifications. This time you decide to check your notifications first; A friend request on facebook from someone called Ben, no last name. You go through the page and see it's basically a fan account for Ben Drowned. However the timing makes you think that it might be Ben who's checking through your different accounts? You laugh quietly and scroll through your other notifications before going to your messages.

I'm coming over around 12, see you then! From your best friend, you look at the time on your phone and see you have a few hours to wait. Then one more message from Jeff; Sleep well? You can't help it, you burst out laughing. You can still feel the presence but at the moment you don't care you can't help but laugh. "Oh wow" You breathe out and then reply, Very well actually, thanks. You put your phone down and tidy up your room a bit before going to your computer and opening up Cleverbot. 

They probably know you're onto them anyways, you might as well have some fun before they come for you. 

You: Hey, is Ben here?
You wait a while and then finally get a message and you think it must be him since normally Cleverbot responds quite quickly.
Cleverbot: I am here.
You: Good, I just wanted to ask if you enjoyed the things you found on my computer and social media, since you know there are a lot of images of you and other creepypastas getting quite close to each other :) 
You laugh to yourself as you reread what you sent and wait for a response, you would have loved to see his face when he saw those.
Cleverbot: They were...Interesting to say the least..I wanted to delete them, be thankful I didn't.
You: I am very thankful! Well enjoy the rest of your snooping around or if you're done then enjoy your day. See ya Ben. 
You close the page and laugh as you walk downstairs to grab something to eat for breakfast. After that you go back upstairs to put on your shoes and mess around on your phone whilst waiting for it to charge - yeah you know you should leave it to charge instead of playing on it but oh well - and waiting for your best friend to turn up.

After a while she turns up, doesn't knock on the door, oh no. She just walks in with her key - you both have keys to each others apartments - and goes to your fridge before coming up to see you.

"Hey Y/N! So tell me all about the guy from before!" she grins as she sits next to you, "Want to go out and talk?" I ask and she sighs. "Fine! We can go the skate park so I can stare at hot dudes whilst you talk" she laughs and we both leave and start walking. You can still feel the presence but you decide to test it. "You will never believe what happened" You smirk and she looks over at you excited, "What?!" "Well you know how you said imagine if it was Ben Drowned? Well it was!" You smile and she stares at you before bursting out laughing. "And guess what else! His friend Jeff left money and paid for the drinks and then him and EJ came over and stayed the night! I even got to snuggle with Jeff!" You grin at her as she sits on a bench crying with laughter. "Oh my god, stop! Please!" she breathes out you sit next to her and poke her and pout. "Hey why are you laughing? I'm being serious!" You put on a serious face and she looks up at  you but ends up laughing harder. "Please, i'll die!" she begs, "Oh alright" You laugh with her. 

We start walking again as you both calm down, it's not too far now, only down the road. Once you're at the park and at on a wall she speaks up. "So what actually happened?" she asks looking at you, "The guy - who's name is actually Ben - came over and got his drinks, he paid me back and then we played video games for a while. Then he left, I talked to him a little this morning on the computer and that's pretty much it. Oh! His friend texted me calling him an ass which was pretty funny! But yeah that's all" You shrug. "Yeah that's all" she says copying you. "This is a big development!" she shouts, earning herself a few stares. You laugh quietly at her and turn to face her, "How?" "Was he cute?!" she asks and you shrug. "Quite cute but I think I like his friend better" You smile and she nods. "Okay, okay...When do I get to meet him?" you laugh at her and roll your eyes. "I'll sort something out" You shrug with a grin on your face and turn back to look at the people skate boarding. That's when you realise the presence is still there and it's quite strong. 

You glance at your best friend but she's just staring at hot guys, you roll your eyes at her and look around. Then you notice a tall teenager stood in the middle of a group with bright white hair and an expressionless face. "No way" you mumble with a grin on your face and your best friend looks over at you. "What?" "Oh nothing, just recognised someone, i'll be right back" you feel your grin widen. "Okay? But before you go, make sure to tone down that smile. You look insane" she laughs and you nod. "That's the look i'm going for" You shrug and then jump of the wall. Not letting the boy out of your sight as you walk towards him, he seems shocked at your advance but doesn't move. 

You nod at a few people as you walk past and then you reach him, you grab his hand and then look at the guys around you. "Sorry but i'm borrowing this guy!" you smile sweetly and they all nod. "Fine by us, go enjoy yourself bro!" one laughs, you smile and then walk off into the wooded area, you glance at your best friend and notice she's watching you but she's safe. "So I know who you are and you know who I am. So let's cut to the chase, are you going to kill me or keep watching me? Either is fine with me as long as she doesn't get hurt" you nod in the direction of your best friend. "I'd just like to know in advance" you shrug and finally look up properly at the boy in front of you. "Nice look by the way, but it's pretty noticeable if you know what you're looking for and you look better as a man, just saying" you grin widely and the boy you know to be the Slenderman.

Everlasting Smile (Jeff x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now