The Blake Siblings

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Bellamy's P.O.V
This place is a dump, the walls are rotting and parts of the ceiling have fallen apart allowing you to see the gloomy grey clouds cover up the beautiful stars illuminating the night sky. There are obvious traces of other people staying here, but they seem long gone. Empty wrappers and old cigarettes are littered on the floor. My stomach rumbles, I haven't eaten a proper meal for days.

"Bellamy!" My little sister calls my name from outside the building. I take another quick look around. I guess we are gonna have to stay here. This is better than living on the side of the road. I walk down the old stairs avoiding the hole on the third step. I open the door, it's rusty hinges creaking. I put a fake smile on my face.

"Welcome to are new home" I say to Octavia. I receive a fake smile back. She has been through a lot these last few weeks. I'm trying my best to look after her but my best isn't good enough. I clear a spot on the floor and take out a blanket from my rucksack.

"You should get some sleep" I tell Octavia. She doesn't object and takes the blanket from me before lying on the floor and closing her eyes. I gently kiss her on the forehead.

"I won't let anything happen to you, I promise"

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