The Endless Nightmare

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Octavia P.O.V
I open my eyes, I'm in the middle of an endless field of dead crops. I turn around looking for something yet I don't what. In the distance I see a figure, she is waving me at. She is calling something. I think she wants me to come over. I start to run towards her. As I get closer, her face becomes clearer.

"Mum? Mum!" I shout out. She's smiling at me and still waving at me. I keep running. I hit into something, it feels like a wall but there is nothing there. I get up from the dry dirty ground and walk forward, only to be stopped again. I put my hand against the invisible barrier. My mum just few metres away.

"Mum!" I shout again. She turns to face me. Panic in her eyes. She is shouting something again. I press my ear against the wall, trying to hear her better.

"Run Octavia!" I look up at my mum. Hands grow out of the ground grabbing her ankle. She slowly gets dragged down. I smash my fists against the wall but the wall don't break. My mum is still getting dragged further into the ground. She is thrashing about trying to grab onto to something. I look around, desperately looking for something to shatter the barrier keeping me from saving her. I give up and fall to the floor. Tears run down my face as I weakly hit the wall. It's just my mums head left. She mouths goodbye to me. As the rest of her disappears under the ground.


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