The Deadly Truth

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Clarke's P.O.V
I'm reading my book as the sun starts to set. I have a quiz on it tomorrow in my Literature lesson. To be honest, it's not a bad book, I've just been taking my time reading it.

"What are you reading?" A familiar voice says from behind me. I turn around to see my childhood best friend and now enemy poking his head over the fence

"Go away Wells" I say and turn back around turning my attention to my book.

"I thought you might like to play a bit of chess, like the old times. Or are you too afraid to loose again?" I think back to when we were little. We used to play chess all the time. His father taught him and he taught me. I haven't played since it happened...

"What do you say Clarke?" He says after I don't reply.

"You killed my father Wells!" I shout, tears form in my eyes and I try to wipe them away.

"I'm sorry about your fathers death but you can't blame me for it."

"How can I not blame you? I told you a secret and I trusted you with it but you went and ran off to tell your daddy." Anger rises up inside me but I try to stay calm.

"How do you know it was me who told him" He says trying to defend himself.

"You're the only one I told"

"But am I the only one who knew?"  What does that mean? What is he trying to tell me? I'm just about to ask when his father calls him in for dinner. "I have to go, see you tomorrow?" When I don't respond he goes anyway.

"Was that Wells you were just talking to?" My mum asks as she walks out are house. I look up at her, she has dark rings round her eyes. She hasn't been sleeping much since Dad died. Then it clicked.  No, this can't be true...

"You killed Dad?"

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