This Can't Be Happening

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Clarke's P.O.V
Clarke, you have to hear me out" My mum tells me, she reaches out to hold my arm. I step back.

"You killed Dad... You killed him!" I shout at her. I wipe away my tears with the back of my hand.

"I know Clarke! I know and I have to live with that for the rest of my life"

"Why did you do it?" I ask her

"I didn't mean to. After they told your father that he couldn't tell anyone about his discovery, he decided to post a video about it online. He was gonna tell the world how the world was gonna get destroyed by climate change. It would have created havoc. So I went to Jaha, I thought he could talk him out of it. But he just told the authorities. I didn't want it to turn out this way! I thought I was saving him. I'm so sorry Clarke"

"No, this can't be possible" I cry.

"Clarke, I'm so sorry" She pulls me into a hug. I push her away and run up to me bedroom. I empty my school rucksack and shove some clothes into it and my toothbrush. I grab the picture of my dad before rushing downstairs. I open the door to leave.

"Please don't go, I'm really sorry" My mum says, tears are running down her face. I turn around and go outside, slamming the door behind me.

"I guess this is goodbye"

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