You Had One Job

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Monty's P.O.V
"What do you think this is about?" Jaspar asks me, looking up at me with innocence in his eyes. I glare at him, we both know what this is about. Both of our parents sit opposite us. Jaspar's Dad starts to talk. He has a gentle face making you think he is a really nice and friendly person, however he is so strict. Trust me, you don't want to get on the wrong side of him.

"Ever since the robbery at my Pharmacy store, we have been keeping a closer eye on all the medicine. What we buy and what we sell." Jaspar's parents own a shop, me and Jaspar work there every Thursday. About a month ago this guy broke into the store trying to steal some drugs. Apparently they were for his dying son but no one believed him. You could tell he was desperate but he got sent to prison. I felt bad for him and even worse for his son.

"It turns out we have actually been loosing some drugs" Jaspars mum tells us.

"That's very careless of you" Jaspar says in a goofy voice. I mentally face palm myself. I know exactly where those drugs are. They are right next to me, smiling like they have done nothing wrong.

"After further investigation I have found out that the drugs have been going missing on Thursday. Just after your shift yesterday" Jaspars dad gives me a stern look. He definitely knows...

"We were just wondering if you have seen anything suspicious lately?" My dad says, scratching the back of his neck. Oh phew, they don't know...

"We have no idea about these missing drugs. Maybe it could be Laura, she shares the same shift as us. You should ask her about this"

"Ok, we'll look into this" says Jaspars dad

"We need to go to are friends house to finish a school project" I lie to them

"Have fun, make sure you get home by 9" My mum tells me. Jaspar and I get up and head towards door. Just as he is about to walk out he takes his hands out his hoody pocket and an empty packet of painkillers falls next to my fathers shoe.

"What is this?" He says picking it up. I look over at Jaspars father, his face goes bright red with anger. I could just imagine steam pouring out of his ears.

"Oh yeah, we ran out of drugs" Jaspar says with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Soooo close..."

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