Love at First Sight (A Liam Payne Love Story) Part 28

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Part 28

Jessa's POV

I woke up in a weird place, having a major migraine. I didn't want to open my eyes because I know if I do I'll see the light and my head will get worse. I was breathing shakily and had a cold device in my arm, where am I. "I can't take this any longer why isn't she up yet?" asked an agitated male voice "Harry calm down she'll be fine and will hopefully wake up soon." Said another male voice "I hope she'll be alright" "How did this happen?" said two other female voices I slowly opened one eye and I was right the light burned. I quickly shut it again as someone said "Did she just open her eyes?" Someone came up to me and held my hand I tensed not knowing who it was and trembled under his or her touch. "Jessa are you awake?" the foreign voice asked and all I could do was whimper I hurt so badly I tried pulling my hand back but the figure held on tight. "Someone go get a nurse." He said urgently "Jessa are you okay? How are you feeling?" "P-please don't hurt m-me" I stuttered in fear "What?" she gasped Just then someone entered the room saying "Has she said anything?" "She, I oh K..." she drifted off "She asked for us not to hurt her and she won't open her eyes." Said another male "Okay now Jessa why won't you open your eyes?" asked a gentle voice I hesitated to answer her wanting to fall back asleep and forget this nightmare "I-It hurts" "What hurts?" "M-my head" I almost started to cry at the amount of pain that I was feeling at this moment "Would you like the window covered?" I hummed a yes as I heard shutters and a "You can open your eyes now" I opened one eye and then the other seeing many faces about the room I gasped as I realized I was in the hospital "W-what happened?" I asked aloud still laying on my back and the man still holding my hand "We were wondering the same thing." Said a guy with blond hair Why are these people here? I sat up straight and pulled my hand away from the guys hoping that I got hurt and Ross didn't put me in a mental hospital. "Jessa?" a girl with curly black hair approached me She was about to grab my hand when I quickly pulled back and nearly yanked the IV out of my arm I gasped in pain as I rubbed my arm for it to go away "Why does my head hurt so bad?!" I nearly yelled as I squeezed my eyes shut and curled up into a balls messaging my head and having a few tears fall down my cheek "I'll go get the Doctor" said the nurse and rushed out "A-am I in a-a mental hospital?" I asked no one in particular "No sweetheart why would you think that?" I opened my eyes to see who just spoke and it was the guy next to me who was holding my hand before. "W-why did you call me sweetheart, did Ross tell you to call me that?" I asked now wondering if he sold me The girl who tried to comfort me before gasped as she looked terrified and so sad "Jessa, who's Ross?" asked the guy My lip quivered as my breathing was shaky "He was our foster Dad who beat us and made us do things with him that we really didn't want to do, the guy you and Jessa saved me from that one night at the restaurant, Harry." The boy with curly hair looked shocked as he looked at me Doctor walked into the room saying that my brain scans came in and there was a little something wrong with them. After he did a few tests on me he left and came back twenty minutes later as we all sat in silence as I was afraid to anger any of them even the girl who was crying in the corner. "Jessa?" asked a Mexican looking guy "What do you remember?" I was afraid to answer in the fear that he would beat me for the answer I was going to give him I avoided eye contact and just stared at the door until I whispered so quietly I barely heard it myself "Not you" The Doctor walked in a little fast to get to me "Jessa do you know who I am?" he asked I hesitated for he looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it "No" I finally said "That's what I was afraid of." He sighed "She has Sypethosdioxatic Syndrome its temporary memory loss from the chemicals and drugs. She will remember many things even up to this date but there will be some blotches. For instance, she may know she is a professional singer and that I saved her from Ross many years back, but not who you all are. Jessa I need you to tell me everything you know currently." I bit my lip what if they don't like the answer? "Um..." "Don't be afraid and the nurse gave you medicine so if your head is feeling better that's why" "I remember everything up to where Sam and I were living in an alley and he got shot and killed. I don't remember much after that but I know that I am a professional singer and Simon who signed me. When I woke up all I remembered was Ross but now I remember much more but you look familiar. That's all I know please don't make me think again it hurts." "Okay Jessa you can leave in a few hours after we do some more tests. Lads call Simon she only knows him. She may not feel safe with any of you." And with that he left the room looking devastated Everyone was silent as I got scared all over again why were they so sad? They wouldn't hurt me will they?" I jumped as my hand was touched by the buzzed hair head guy Tingles shot through my hand as I pulled away and just wanted Simon.

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