</Chapter 1>

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I'm screwed. Is the first thought that came into mind. Being dangled upside down isn't the best way you wanna spend your Saturday.

I was on a window washers platform, and it just broke, and somehow my foot managed to get caught on the cable. So I'm dangling from about 500 feet in the air. I wasn't on the window washer platform to clean windows, I was trying to fix a virus in the buildings computer and the window washers platform just happens to be the best spot to get a signal.

"I have to see the cables." I muttered. So, I adjusted myself into a good position. Oh, Crap. I thought. The cables are just barely held together. I stopped moving and tried not to make any sudden movement. I heard sirens, and a few minutes later the window next to me shattered. There were a few man, all in black with S.W.A.T.T. written across their chest. Shouldn't that be the fire department? It would only make more sense. I'm dead. "I want you so swing towards me. Can you do that?" One of the men said reaching out to me.

"No. If I move, this cable is going to snap." I said sternly yet annoyingly at this mans stupidity.

He took a good hard look at the cable, inspecting it, then turned around to his 'buddy's'. "She's right. Get to the roof, maybe we can do something up there." Then they left. Something. Wow, there's a boost of encouragement (note my sarcasm).

Too fast forward everything, the controls to pull me back up are broken, a helicopter can't get close enough and all these guys are brain dead. So in other terms, I'm dead. When I was three I was smarter than these guys.

Then I realized something, I'm still holding my laptop. I laughed to myself a little. I could die for all I know and I'm holding onto a laptop. "Who's in charge here?" I heard a guy from above say.

"I am." One of the dummies with a baseball cap said.

"Not anymore. Cabe Galo. Homeland security. Now get out of our way and let my team do this." This 'Cabe' man said sternly.

I began to feel dizzy, and it felt like my head was about to explode. I knew the blood was rushing to my head.

"I need to see if she's going to pass out." I heard someone say, then I started doing the math. I then heard a small flapping noise. I look beside me and see a small remote control helicopter. I closed my eyes, trying to do some calculations.

"What hurts?" I heard the same voice say.

"I'm not in pain, I'm thinking." I said simply, it's funny though because I have told I look like I'm in pain when I think. I began to speak out my thoughts, not intentionally though. "By the amount of blood rushing to my head, and how my head hurts, I'll pass out in ten minutes, but that's if I was moving. Without any movement I'll be pass out in about five minutes and twenty seven seconds." I muttered to myself, most likely loud enough for the people above to hear.

I took a deep breath and gave myself the courage to look down. I wish I hadn't. I was high up and there was a huge crowd of people down there looking up at me. I started to shake, and the grip on my laptop loosened, and it dropped. "Aww. Come on." I whined, as I watched it fall.

Then the cable jerked, and there was a searing pain in my ankle. I let out a yelp.

Drowsiness and pain began to take over me. My headache, now felt like a migraine. I felt my eyes beginning to droop. I saw black spots. Then they took over my vision, the works of unconsciousness came into play.


I heard a beeping noise. And that's all. An annoying beeping noise that began to irritate me. I opened my eyes, adjusting to the incredibly bright light. I blinked a few times, and saw a figure in front of me.

"Hey Sam. How you feeling?" I heard the figure say. My eyes adjusted and I saw my best (and only) friend Paige. She had a round face, with long wavy dirty blonde hair with bangs hovering over her eyes. She isn't a genius, like me, but she's smart and practically translates the world for me, helps me understand how a regular person is supposed to act but I don't usually listen to her.

"Hey Paige. I'm feeling okay." I said, my throat was hurting and I sounded like a choking bull frog. "Is there by any chance that I can have some water?"

Paige reached over and grabbed a cup if water off the bedside table. "Here." She said handing it to me. Without another word, I took a big long drink from it.

I put the cup back on the bedside table. "What the hell were you doing on the windows washer platform?!" Paige snapped, which took me by surprise, wasn't really prepared for that at the moment.

"Fixing a bug." I said simply.

"On a windows washer platform?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"It was the best spot to get the best signal, I wanted to get it over and done with as soon as possible."

"But not the safest way possible." She adds, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

At the corner of my eye, I saw a small figure walk into the room and stop beside me. I looked towards the small figure, and smiled. "Hey Ralph." I said ruffling his hair. Ralph is Paige's son. He's a sweet boy. A genius might I add. He had brown hair hanging over his ears. He smiled at me, before giving me a small hug, but we were interrupted by a man walking into the room. Very tan skin, his hair just a bit darker. He had a black tie and a blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"Sorry Paige, he just really wanted to come in." The man said.

"No, it's fine." She smiled. "Walter, this is Sam. Sam, Walter." Paige introduced. We shook hands.

"Nice to meet you." We say at the same time to each other, causing us both to chuckle a little, looking at each other in the eyes intently.

I looked over at Paige. "Did you get the remains of my laptop?" I asked.

"Yes. I knew you'd ask, so all the parts I could find are in a box at my place." She smiled. I nodded.

"Thank you. I need the chip that's in there. I not a hundred percent sure, but I think someone hacked into the building and put the virus in the computer." I said.

"What do you mean?" Paige asked, confusion written across her face.

"Someone hacked into the buildings computer. They hid their tracks well, but I was able to find it while trying to remove the virus." I said.

"What's your IQ level?" The man, Walter asked.


"So, you're a genius. I am as well. My IQs 197." He said. "If you want my team and I can help with this. There all geniuses (except Paige and Cabe) who specializes in different things." He offered.

I lingered the thought in my mind, it would be great to work with other people like me, people that understand me. "Sure." Was all I could say with a smile, excitement bubbling up inside me, but that bubble was popped when I looked down at my wrapped up ankle. I glared at my ankle.

"You know," Paige said. "Glaring at your ankle won't fix it."

"I know." I mumbled. "How long am I gonna be here for?" I absolutely hate hospitals.

"You can leave tomorrow."

Word count: 1317

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