</Chapter 3>

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Scorpion has been doing all they can to figure out who would try too kill me. But there's nothing. But on the bright side, I've been staying at the garage, (suggested by Cabe) so Walter could keep an eye on me. I've also gotten along with everyone, especially Happy, even though she's not a social type of person she's great to hang out with, probably because we have the same interests. Mechanics. We exchanged advise to build certain things and explained different tactics and different technical and mechanical designs.

Toby, he's funny. That's really all I could say. I already think of him as an older brother.

Sylvester, he's sweet. He talked to me about math, and a lot about hygiene, well, I listened.

And Walter, he took me in, respects me, and he's nice to me, he brings me coffee every morning I've been here. The only thing that bothers me is that he doesn't show his emotions. But I'm happy.

I sat on the couch attempting to 'properly' (as Toby would say) wrap a tensor bandage around my ankle, which I was failing at because I'd either make it too tight or too loose. "I give up!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms in the air slamming my back on the couch. I groaned in frustration as I looked up at the sealing. I'll just walk around in pain for the rest of the day, I thought, I'm sure I can cope with it.

"Are you alright?" A voice a asked. I looked to my left and saw Walter standing by the door frame looking at me with concern.

"I'm fine." I said. "I just can't get this stupid tenser bandage on right."

Walter thought for a moment before walking over to me and kneeling down on the floor in front of me. "Here." He said, grabbing the tenser bandage and started wrapping it around my foot and ankle. He caressed my foot with such gentile touch, trying to be careful. I suddenly became conscious about whether my foot smelled, he didn't seem fazed by anything like that, he was just concentrating on wrapping up my foot. Once he was done, my foot felt comfortable, with the tenser bandage was wrapped just right.

I smiled a Walter, which he returned. "Thanks." I said.

Walter stood up, holding out a hand for me to take. "You're welcome." I took his hand, which seemed to fit perfectly in mine, but i ignored it me. Walter led me to the kitchen, where he prepared me some coffee.

I glanced over a Walter and a small smile formed on my lips. "Walter," I said getting his attention. He looked to me from pouring milk in the cup. "I just want to thank you," I started, "You and your team. You guys took me in and helped me, you barely even know me. I'm just so thankful, and I don't know how you repay you."

Walter smiled at me, a genuine smile. Definitely not something you see everyday, but it was great to see him smile. He had such a charming smile, with the twinkle in his eye, and the small flash of perfectly white teeth made me smile bigger. "You don't need to, you're a friend of Paige, so instinctively we helped." Walter broke our eye contact and then looked back down and continued making the coffee.

Word count: 564
This is what I got so far! Just a filler! I hope you like it! Sorry it's short!

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