</Chapter 2>

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"Looks like everything is good Miss McCarthy. You're free to leave." Dr. Roberts said as he checked things off on his clipboard.

"Thanks." I said, hopping off the bed. I limped (because my ankle was dislocated while I was dangling) out the door, and down the maze of hallways. Kinda like in the Maze Runner, but instead of Grievers, there carts of blood bags, or surgical tools.

Before pushing through a door, I checked the sign above it first. Waiting room. I smiled, knowing I won't have to be in this hell hole for much longer. Paige will be there, most likely with Ralph, which I'm completely okay with because Ralph is like my little brother or nephew. We're very close.

"Hey Sam." A small voice said, followed by a pair of small arms wrapping around me.

"Hello Ralph." I smiled, hugging the small human back.

Paige then gets up off the chair she was sitting on. "Hi Paige." I said, giving her a hug as well.

"Hey Sam. How are you feeling?" She asks, pulling away from the hug.

"I feel useless wearing a tenser bandage." I said looking down at my foot, which I barely was abled to put a shoe on with. I glanced behind Paige to see Walter. "Hello Walter." I said, giving him a slight smile.

"Hi." He said returning a small smile.


"That's Sylvester, Toby, Happy and Cabe. Everyone, this is Sam." Walter introduced, I gave a small wave.

"Aren't you the one who was dangling upside down from a windows washer cable?" The one with the fedora—Toby—asked.

"Yeah, not the best experience I've had." I reply.

"You know, your thinking face looks like you're in pain." Toby stated.

I chuckled. "I've been told."

"Sam, I've already explained everything on why you're here, so if you want to get started.." Walter trailed off.

"Sure. All I need is a desk, a pair of tweezers, an empty memory stick and a laptop." I said.

"That can be arranged." Happy said.

I turned and limped out the door heading to Paige's car, where she claims the box of my destroyed laptop sits.

Opening up the trunk of the car, I was about to pick up the box when another pair of arms reached out and grabbed it. I looked up the person, slightly started, I wasn't expecting help, but the person who helped me was Walter.

"Let me get that for you." He said, looking me in the eye with kind eyes.

"Thanks." I smiled.

I closed the truck of the car, Walter and I returning back inside the building. Walter set the box down on an empty table, and Happy placed down tweezers and the memory stick.

"Here you can use my Laptop." Paige, said setting it down in front of me, which I moved to the side of the desk so I has space to work.

I carefully begun to dig through the box, searching for one specific part. "Ah ha!" I muttered, once I found the piece.

"What is that? I've never seen it on any laptop blueprint before." Walter asked.

"That's because I installed it myself. This collects any information of data that's erased, deleted, downloaded, updated and even if I were to hack into something, this," I said as I pointed to the small memory chip. "will save all the codes, firewall data, just in case if I needed it." I shrugged.

"That is incredible." Walter complemented, I smiled up at Walter.

"Thanks." Walter and I looked at each other, without saying anything, as if we were communicating with our eyes but then again, I couldn't figure out what he was saying. I'm no behaviourist like Toby (Walter explained all their talents to me on the way here). Suddenly someone called Walter, interrupting our... well I don't know what to call it, eye conversation?

I turned back to my work, taking apart the memory stick and attaching my 'memory catcher' is what I'm calling it. Connecting a few wires then plugging in the USB into the laptop.


After half and hour of scrolling through data information, I finally found what I was looking for, and sure enough the buildings computers were hacked into.

"Found it!" I called to the rest of the Scorpion team. All I heard was feet shuffling around behind me, and I could almost feel everyone hovering around me.

On screen showed tons of codes that were directed to the computers, and more specifically the windows washer platform. The one I was on. "You've got to be kidding me." I mumbled with my eyes wide looking at the screen. Someone's trying to kill me?

"What?" Paige asked.

"You see these codes?" I said pointing at the screen, "These codes a directed to the computers, and sense that building is all based off of technology, that means it also connects to the windows washer platforms, but the thing is, only one of them was the directed too, and that one was the one I was on." I looked back at them to see there reactions, they all seemed like statues. Still. Paige's eyes suddenly widen and Cabe just a bit of shock on his face, as for everyone else they were—most likely—thinking about different possibilities about how this could be a coincidence or not.

"So you mean that some-someone tried to k-kill you?" Paige stuttered out nervously.

"Most likely." Was all I said.

"Who would want to kill you?" Cabe asked.

I turned back to the laptop, hoping that the answer would be somewhere there. Unfortunately there was nothing, no trace what so ever. I sighed. "No idea." I said.

Word count: 947

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