</Chapter 4>

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The door slammed open, making me look up from my Super Fun Guy comic that Sly got me hooked on, to see Cabe walking towards me with a file in his hand. "What's that?" I asked. I saw Cabe glance at the comic in my hand before raising an eyebrow.

   "Really?" He questioned, ignoring my question.

   "What?" I questioned looking at him innocently. "Hey, you shouldn't be one to judge. You and your Playboy magazines." I deducted, raising an eyebrow in a challenging motion. Cabe, looking mildly uncomfortable, coughed awkwardly as Walter walked in the room. He seemed to have heard what I said because I can see the amusement in his eyes as he looked at me. There's that twinkle again.

"Anyways," Cabe said, "I may have a lead."

He handed me the file. And confusion rose to me when I opened it.

Seth McCarthy
Date Of Birth: May 7, 1964
Spouse(s): Sarah Collins/McCarthy
Children(s): Samantha McCarthy
Seth worked for the Government Agency as a coder and hacker. As a retired man, Seth now co-owns the first all technological, off the grid hotel. The Viride Hotel. He programmed the building to run on its own, seemed to be completely and un-hackable, and only he knows it's codes. But in 1988, Seth had just disappeared without a trace. Seth's brother in law, James Collins stepped in to take over the business. Though we have been keeping an eye on James, reported that there has been some strange and unusual behaviour from him.

I glanced up at Cabe. "Why do you have my dads file?"

"The building we saved you from—"

"Yeah, I know. I was working on the Viride Hotel."

"Anyways, I came up with a conclusion that this James guy, may have hacked into the building somehow, and attempted to kill you." I was about to interject until Cabe continued, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I also found surveillance of your uncle and this other guy." Cabe handed me his phone, Walter sat beside me and I clicked play.

The video began in the lobby of the hotel, me walking in with my nifty technology bag. I walked towards one of the employees, and I was asking for directs to the 33rd floor. Giving the employee a smile, I marched my way through the elevator, but behind me, there was a really suspicious looking guy, a few feet away from me. He followed me into the elevator. I remembered him easily on that day, thought I never considered him suspicious or anything considering that he had the hotel employee tag. The camera angle than changed to when I was getting off the elevator, the man waiting for a few moments, then the door closed. The camera returned back to inside the elevator, and the man than pulled out a device from his pocket, and than gave a creepy smile.

   "Holy crap..." I muttered almost smiling astoundingly. "Those are so rare." I zoomed in on the device in the guys hand. "That is a military grade hacking system! The thing just has to be within a few feet of a piece of technology and your in!" I sighed, than came to realization, "that thing can wipe out the whole building. Basically undetectable... how'd he get his hands on that?"

   "I don't know, and I'm not sure if i want to find out..." Cabe muttered. "One things for sure is that he went through a hell of a lot of trouble to get it."

   I continued the video. The man then pulled out his phone and dialled a number.

   "James, I got her computer codes. Your part comes in now." The camera than switched back to the lobby, to where I can clearly see uncle James, placing his phone down, than began tapping away at his computer. The camera than switched to outside where you can just see the widow washer platform break.

I observed and took it all in. "Well," I said, my brain processing. "It's official. My uncle is an asshole."

Sorry for that crappy short chapter. I'm working on it... and sorry it took forever to update. Anyways, hoped you liked it!

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