Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Megan Green:

4 months later...

So we had 3 days until we finally move to America, this was so exciting, our wedding was also in 3 days. Our little boy started kick, he was going to be either a sporty boy like his mummy or a music boy like his daddy.

"Ash honey, he won't stop kicking, come feel quick!"
Ashton jumped up from the couch he was sitting on to come sit next to me.
"Wow, someone is a happy boy today... Ayyy? We need to come up with a name for you son..." His hazel eyes looked up at me to say as if it was my fault I started to giggle.

"Mr Irwin we need to go to Calum's to see Jayden."
Ashton was already on it had his shoes on ready at the door, just waiting for me to get my lazy butt off the couch.


We got to the Hood's households. I was the first to hold Jayden, he was so small, the first boy to be born out of all of the boys...

I was talking to Ava about pregnancy, weddings and stuff. After their wedding us girls had all gotten closer to Ava and it was nice to have another friend, it was like the 5 seconds of summer wife's.


We had everything packed from our apartment, I will miss Australia but its time to start a new life with my new little family.
One more day until our big day!
Everything was in a rush, I had to go to Ruby's to try on my wedding dress and I'm so lucky it fits still... I had to stay at Ruby's for the night as it was bad luck to see the husband and wife to be the morning of the wedding.


Today was finally our big day!
I woke up with Bel sleeping by my side.
I went downstairs with Bel in my arms, all the girls were getting their hair done and make up done while the baby's were playing on the floor.

"Good morning Mrs Irwin to be." I started to laugh at what Holly had said as it felt so weird to be called Irwin instead of Green...
Mali was great at doing hair so she made a start on my hair while Ashton's sister Lauren had started doing my make up.

I didn't have a big dress it was just a simple wedding dress which I thought suited me more especially with this big bump...

It was time to leave Ruby's house to and get to the church, I hated being late so we left 10 minutes early so we could get there on time. I knew Ashton would be on time as he hates being late as well.

The music started to go, it was my queue to start walking down the aisle... The babies went first with the 3 girls, I had Lauren walk with me down the aisle, she was such a wonderful human being inside and out.

I had finally met Ashton's hazel eyes and his crazy hair. I was standing in front of the love of my life...
I'm now finally Mrs Irwin... I've been waiting 4 years for this to finally happen.
"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Irwin, we hope you have a great future in America, and we wish all the best for your new son." Michael spoke up for all of the boys.

"Thank you so much guys for appreciating our decision, we will miss you guys so much, and we love you guys so much... You maybe just friends in other peoples eyes but in our eyes you are our family." Ashton was right I may have only knew these guys for 5 years but in them 5 years they were like family, they were like my brother in laws.


It was our time to go... Our flight was ready, our boxes already sent off.
America here we come.
It was just beginning for our future....

We had finally arrived at our new home in America, it was beautiful, Ashton chose well...
He took me upstairs holding my hand, he told me to shut my eyes so I did as tight as I could, he put his hands around my waist.
"You can open now baby." He whispered in my ear. As I opened my eyes I saw such a beautiful blue room, with all the baby furniture with a rocking chair by his cot.
"Ash this is so beautiful!" I kissed him on his soft lips.
"I love you Mr Irwin."
"I love you too Mrs Irwin."


It was time... Our little man was ready to meet the world.
The pain was horrible but I couldn't wait for this miracle to happen.
"Welcome to the world Mr Kai Irwin."
Ashton kissed his fragile head as he passed him to me after Ash cut the cord.
Our future had only just started has a family.

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