Episode 1: your revealing

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You were 5,000 years old (A/N: that's 5 in human time) and right now you were sleeping having a nice dream of making a race go extinct until your clock blow up, you grunted and try to block out the sound by covering your cat ears with your pillow, you see you are half human so you look more like a human you have h/l h/c locks and e/c orbs with f/c tail and ears. Whis walked into your room and yelled out "Y/N, IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP" You didn't respond, Whis sighed and float up to your bed and shake you hoping it will suceed "come now y/n today is the day you destroy you first world" you look out of the pillow and said "fine." You float off your bed still tired and head over to the dinning area to eat breakfast, once you got there Whis said "now eat your breakfast while I go wake up your father." Whis walked to Lord Beerus' s room and yelled "LORD BEERUS WAKE UP YOU PROMISE Y/N TO DESTROY HIS FIRST PLANET" Lord Beerus yawned and said "can it wait for a year or two" Whis float up to his bed and said "no, now come up y/n is already in the dinning room" Lord Beerus sighed and said "very well let's see what he/she can do" Whis smiled and said very good, come let us go eat."
Whis and Lord Beerus walked into the dinning hall only finding you sleeping on your food, "wake y/n" you woke up and still have some of the food on your face "oh y/n you are all in a mess now clean up before we go" Whis said. You got up and walk to the shower.

Once you are clean up you walked towards Whis and your father and Lord Beerus said "oh y/n I found a perfect planet you can destroy and it's called Gargon when the last time I got there the people are quit rude but I was tired to destroy it, so what do you say" you looked at him and said "alright" Lord Beerus then said "that a boy/girl y/n." You three then teleported outside of Gargon "now y/n use the sphere of destrution and probably we'll visit Namek to wonder around" you nod and summoned the sphere of destruction and hit the planet Gargon, it exploded and you can hear the civilization of Gargon screaming making you feel bad but you didn't show, Lord Beerus said "good y/n, now let's go to Namek." You three teleported to Namek once you got there you three walked around a bit until Lord Beerus said "well I'm going to see they have something to eat here, Whis you coming" Whis then said "yes but you think it's such a good idea to leave y/n here alone" Lord Beerus looked at him and said "of course he's a god" Whis followed him and said "that's what i'm afraid of" you stand the same spot they left you until a man kneed you in the stomach, you hold your stomach and painfully looked at the man who hit you, he is Gorganian he had blue skin and red hair in a pony tail he also wore a black battle suit with a blue logo of a dragon, he said "you bastard, you destroy my world and now I will destroy you" you stood up and said " I will not lose to a lower level of life form like you" that only to pissed him off then he charged at you throwing punches but you block them except the last punch which hit you in the face "ughhh" the man then kick you in the stomach "Damn it" you yelled "hahaha now I will End you, SPECIAL BEAM CANNON" the man shot a beam straight at you but you have enough energy to dodge the move "NOW I'M MAD!" You produced alot amount of energy and your power level is rising and your f/c of energy is showing " w-what" the man said. You charged at him with all you got hitting him with every energy and you kick him to a boulder then you said "NOW I WILL DESTROY WITH YOUR OWN SKILL, SPECIAL BEAM CANNON" you hit the man in the heart and he yelled "D-DAMN ITTTT" the man fell to the ground and then you hear clapping, you turn around to see your father and Whis then Lord Beerus said "good job y/n you destroy a planet and you used your enemy's own skill to kill him very good" Whis then said " yes but how did you learn that skill so quickly" you then said " I don't know I just saw him use it and just mimicked what he was doing" Lord Beerus yawned and said "well I think I'm ready to take a pre-nap how about you y/n" before you can answer you fell right asleep Whis giggle and said "I take that as a yes then" Whis picked you up and you all three went back to the tower

Until the next journey on Dragonball Z


Hey I hope you like it it's my first story so byr :3

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