Episode 5: father, child fight bonding

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Thanks for LordBilles for requesting this
You were practicing your powers in your god form with Lord Beerus.

Y/n: Kamehameha!

You shot the blue beam at him causing an explosion. He walked out of the smog and said.

Beerus: well done, y/n, but I was expecting a scratch or something

Whis: look again Lord Beerus

Whis point at Lord Beerus's arm to see a small scratch.

Beerus: hahaha,  you finally manage to damage me, I thought I will never say this but, I'm p-pru, p-prou-ou

Whis: proud

Beerus: yeah that word

Y/n: thanks dad, I'm glad you're prou-roud of me

Beerus: don't be a smart ass, you may have damage me but I still can whoop your butt or two.

Y/n: haha, sorry dad.

Beerus: you are slightly forgiven, now let's head to earth, I heard that earth has a fudge cake filled with the delicious pudding mmm *licks his lips*

Supreme Kai: no wait you can't leave now, an new enemy has been summoned

Y/n: oh! Do I have to do it now? I haven't ate in decades

Beerus: let him come, Supreme Kai, he's only 18,000 let the child live a while

Supreme Kai: I'm afraid it concern you too

Y/n: what are you talking about Kai

Supreme Kai: first don't call me that, then second Zalgo has summoned a Frieza

Beerus: that's it? Me and y/n can do this easily, come y/n

Supreme Kai: NO WAIT!

Before she can say another word Lord Beerus and y/n teleported to the scene.

Age 769

You and Lord Beerus made it to the scene and you both heard footsteps, you both saw the frieza, he has black spikey armor and grey skin he has white linging down his eyes.

???: aw, Lord Beerus and Lord.  y/n, he said you will come

L.B: and who un pre tell are you?

Black Ice: I am Black Ice, I've been summoned by Lord Zalgo to end you.

You and Lord Beerus laughed.

L.B: listen, let's just make this quick, me and my child has to get that cake pudding

Lord Beerus charged at him and tried to punch him but he grabbed his fist.

L.B: w-what?!

Black Ice uppercut him sending him in the air.


Black Ice charged at you and punched you in the face causing you to crash into a building.

L.B: you bastard, don't hurt my child!

Lord Beerus started to glow off white light and his skin is now white with black markings and his eyes are now red.

L.B: you will die!

He charged at Black Ice and throw multiple strikes at him.
While with you Supreme Kai started to talk to you telepathicly.

Supreme Kai: y/n!

Y/n: Kai, what happen to my father

Supreme Kai: this is what I was trying to tell you, Lord Beerus achieved a new form that goes beyond his limit, after he defeated Black Ice, he won't stop,  he goes into an angry rampage until he destroys earth, and you have to stop him, don't call me Kai!

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