Interrupting Meeting

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Grace's POV.

We've been dating for about a month now and no one suspected us dating. We always made sure to never come in  to work at the same time or show any affection in public.

Today at work she's making it harder to not just attack her with kisses. She keeps teasing me by licking/biting her lips, brushing her hand against my thigh, 'accidentally' bumping into me and pressing her body against mine and checking me out every 10 minutes.

I couldn't take it anymore..

"Hannah may you please help me with some papers in my office?"

"Ya no problem Miss. Helbig." She smiled

She followed behind me into my office, closing the door behind us. I turned around and pinned her up against the door, attacking her lips with mine, while locking the door at the same time. She groans in her throat and grips my hips, making me press them against hers. She sharply bucks her hips to mine making me moan against her lips. She smirks at my sound making me blush. She flips us around so that im the one pinned up against the door and begins to slowly unbutton my shirt. Once she has them all unbutton she slides my shirt off and tosses it to the side. She immediately attacks my neck with her lips making my breathe hitch at the back of my throat. She doesn't wait and starts to suck harshly on the delicate skin, I breathe out her name which makes her sucks harder. I grip her shoulders, gently digging my nails into them. She kisses down my neck, passing between my breast and down my stomach, stopping at my pants. She slowly undoes them making me whimper. She smirks and picks up the pace taking them off. She comes back up to kiss my lips while sliding a hand in my undies, and starts to move her hand against me. I gasp and kiss her deeply, making her groan and rubs harder. I moan against her lips and she slides a finger near my entrance.

"Please.. " I breathe out against her lips

As she was about to enter her finger there was a knock at my door, making both of us to jump.

I clear my throat,

"Yes?" My voice is shaky

"Miss Helbig, your late to your meeting."

"Oh shit! Tell them ill be there in 5 minutes!" I peck Hannahs lips softly and get dressed, fixing my face.

"Sorry Hannah I totally forgot!"

"Don't worry, we'll finish this later.." she winks and adjusts my collar.

I kiss her lips one more time and head out the door to my meeting.

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