The New Hit Song

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Aleisha P.O.V

Weeks... it's been weeks since she walked away from Luke. God it was so hard. But she had to do it. She was keeping him from living his dream. And that dream just didn't include her in it. The night that Luke left was excruciating for her. She drove home with tears falling from her face. What kind of goodbye was that? A single kiss, softer than a thousand feathers then a simple goodbye. She should've threw herself into his arms and begged him not to go. He was going to say he loved her. But she had stopped him. He's said it before, but only when it mattered. And she knew that if he said it at that moment then she would've never let him go. She didn't want him to leave, he was the boy that she loved. The one that she saw a future with. But with him going on tour there was no way that future would happen. Long distance relationships never work out, and she couldn't become part of the group, the girlfriend that went on tours with them. They would become famous she had no doubt about that and then they would always be on that bus. Never having time to live a normal life. She couldn't do it. She needed school. That was her key for success. She sang but mostly just for fun. She used to sing with Luke, he was a musician at heart. His voice was beautiful like an Angel's and his guitar playing made her heart melt. His passion for playing had made the decision for her. She had to let him go. It was just so hard. When she had finally arrived home she was a mess and just slumped against the door dissolving into a puddle of tears. Her brother had found her like that and ran to her side, instantly putting his arms around her for comfort. She returned the hug and clung to him. He may be younger than her but he was still her brother and he would always be there to protect her. He sat there silently until her sobs had silenced. She leaned out of his embrace and gave him a small smile of gratitude. His eyes looked understanding.

"This about Luke?" he asked, but his face said he already knew the answer. Aleisha lost whatever smile she had been able to form and hiccupped. The tears hadn't stopped yet. She couldn't find her voice to speak so she simply nodded. "Did he... did he hurt you?" he asked hesitantly, Aleisha's eyes widened.

"No!" she yelled then continued a lot quieter "No. he didn't hurt me, not like that." she sniffled "He left."

"What do you mean he left? He broke up with you?" Aleisha could tell that he was confused. He liked Luke and he knew he made her happy. Breaking up never even came up around her family because she refused to think about the day he would leave.

"We parted ways." she said choosing her words carefully "We k-knew this day would come. He's going on tour with his band and I chose to stay here so I could finish school. He wanted me to come with him but I couldn't. And we both knew long distance relationships never worked so... We said goodbye." she ended with a shoulder shaking sob. Her brother rubbed her back trying to help her relax. But she couldn't. her heart was broken.

"You love him don't you?" he asked softly.

"I do." she said hugging herself tighter "That's why I had to let him go."

Her brother had been there for her and she was grateful for his comfort. He told her to not make herself sick about it. She'll never forget him obviously but she should find a way to remember him without crumbling into tears. He was kind and thoughtful when he said it but she knew he really didn't want her to think about it too much, he wanted to avoid her getting into a stage of depression. So she tried for the sake of her family to forget about Luke but it was much harder than she would have ever imagined. Everything reminded her of him. Her room, where they had once sat, talking for hours about nothing and everything, her bed where they had made love for the first time and where he had first told her that he loved her, but the one thing that most reminded her of him was their song. She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5. They sang a cover of that song together, he had told her he loved her then too. He always said it at the perfect moments which made the word so special to her. They were in love. There is no way to forget love. It also didn't help that she kept tabs on him and the guys to see how they were doing. She loved their music too so it was hard for her not to listen. But she only sang to Luke's parts. Somehow her doing this made it seem like he was actually there singing with her and that made her feel a little better at the moment. But right now, sitting in her room listening to the radio trying to forget, she never expected to hear what she heard.

"And now we have a brand new hit by the new up and coming band 5 Seconds of Summer! Here's Amnesia:" Aleisha whirled around to face the radio, the song start with Calum singing.

" I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted... I thought about our last kiss, how it felt, the way you tasted... and even though your friends tell me you're doing fine... are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you? When he says those words to hurt you do you read the ones I wrote you? Sometimes I start to wonder, was it just a lie? If what we had was real, how could you be fine? 'cause I'm not fine at all..." wait...

"I remember the day you told me you were leaving..." Aleisha gasped. Luke! hold on,

"I remember the make-up running down your face... and the dreams you left behind you didn't need them... like every single wish we ever made..." oh my god... the song was about her! Tears threatened to fall as she listened to Luke singing.

"I wish that I could wake up with amnesia... and forget about the stupid little things... like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you... and the memories I never can escape... 'cause I'm not fine at all..." I'm not fine either Lukey. Aleisha thought. The tears broke free from her eyes as the song continued. Calum was singing again but she knew the words came from Luke. "The pictures that you sent me are still living in my phone..." he's still on her phone too. "I'll admit I feel alone..." She always feels alone now. "it hurts to know you're happy" She's not happy. "that you've moved on" She hasn't moved on, it's all an act. They aren't stupid little things! They're memories of their love! Aleisha was on the floor crying steadily by the end of the song. Luke was hurting just like she was. He wrote a song about her. She would've been happy if it wasn't for the song being about the worst day of her life. It was about the day she had been trying so hard to forget. The day he left her.

Luke's P.O.V.

The song came out great and it was climbing the charts, of course he was happy about that. It was just that ever since they had sent the song to be edited for the album he knew that it would become a constant reminder of that awful day. Then again that happens with all songs. Personal experiences, good or bad are what create the inspiration to write songs. So he's just doing what every songwriter has done to get to where they are. Most of the song is about that day but to finish it and make it fit together he needed more. He hadn't been purposely searching for song ideas when he called his friends, it just happened. Luke and Aleisha still shared some of the same friends and he still cared for her so he asked how she was doing. They told him that she was great, happy, and had moved on. They weren't harsh about it but they said it in a way that said that he should move on too. So he put that in the song to complete it. Because if he was being honest with himself, it hurt. To know that she was happy without him after only a few weeks definitely hurt him. It was like she could just forget everything like it never happened. He thought it was love he had with her, but maybe it was only him who thought so. It was all so confusing. It seemed like she loved him, she always said it back and she was in tears when he left. But how could she have moved on so fast? It had been tearing him apart trying to find the strength to move forward and stop moping around. He finally got back to goofing with the guys but when he was alone he always thought of her. Her smile, her eyes, her voice, everything about her was perfect to him. He would even listen to their cover of She Will Be Loved. That was their song. They sang in what seemed like perfect harmony. And afterwards he had told her he loved her for the second time. He loved saying it but he made sure to say it when it mattered so the word had meaning. He truly loved her. He still does and he can't find away to let that go. He was starting to think that there was no way to forget about love, even if she could.

"Heartbreak Boy" is copyright 2015 by @Bookworm162015, all rights reserved.

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