Chapter 5: Beastly

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You keep your arm around Karkat's waist and maneuver through the crowd in the dark. In return, he clings to your arm and allows himself to be led. You just so casually pass someone money and take Karkat to front row seats. Aren't you smooth? He sits beside you, leaning on your arm. You hold Karkat's hand, "I think you'll really enjoy this," you mutter. You wait for the play to start patiently, unable to take your gaze off of him. He glances up at you and you quickly look away as everyone else takes their seats.
The prince cracks a small smile, leaning up and whispering in your ear, "Thanks for bringing me."
"No problem," you smile back, the house lights dimming and the stage lights coming on. Karkat's eyes widen and he grabs your hand. A few guys walk on stage, music already playing in the background. The troll rests his head on your shoulder, purring softly. As the play progresses, you come to the realization that Karkat has no idea what's going on. You can tell by the perplexed expression on his face. Most of the people in the theater seemed to be humans, even the people on stage. Nonetheless, you casually put an arm around his shoulder and the whole crowd starts to cheer because the actors start fighting. You're not sure when or why because you've zoned out while watching your date, but they're going at it now.
Karkat hums softly and mutters in your ear, "Human plays are most definitely...interesting."
"If you think this is interesting, just wait for them to include the crowd" you reply, smiling at him. He swallows thickly, nuzzling his head against your cheek.
And there is the moment. They're singing angrily at each other and then pause abruptly. Someone from the back of the crowd adds their own lyric to the song. You lean over to the troll and whisper, "When its your turn, you've got to come up with a verse or two, okay?"
He looks up at you like a deer in headlights "What?! But I can't do that!" He panicks in a hushed voice.
"Come now, Karkat. Of course you can. I'll go before you if you like," someone in the middle shouts another lyric and the lights are on them.
He trembles and nods quickly "Please do..."
You wait for the perfect chance and stand up quickly, letting out a short rap and insulting one of the character's mothers before pointing to Karkat.
His eyes widen in fear and his mouth drops in disbelief. He snarls, standing and singing "At least she has class and wouldn't point her date out like an ass. Like. You." Everyone laughs and cheers and someone pats Karkats back. He smirks up at you and sits, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow, half expecting him to have a comeback.
You do, of course, but it's rushed and somewhat flustered and you wish you had more time to come up with something longer that would blow these people out of the water. Everyone would be whispering about how you are a master wordsmith and are practically a god. You don't have that kind of time, unfortunately, so you go with something quick and simple. You shake your head. "Well, my date with an itty bitty waist, you better have prepared yourself for a taste of my wisecrack because that guys mom did in fact lack the way to hack and impact -unlike you- the heart of ass. I'm sure the tact was to insult you but I fear that I can not affront you." You say sit down, smiling at Karkat.
Someone from the back shouts at you, "He's out of your league!"
The troll chuckles and slips his hand into yours, shaking his head, "Idiot." You smile a little as people whistle and clap. Karkat looks over at you, "For the record, I think you're way beyond my league" he smiles. You stare at him for a moment, not bothering to weigh the consequences before kissing him gently. He flushes, his eyes widening in shock before slowly fluttering closed as he returns the kiss. The crowd goes wild at that. Karkat slowly pulls away, his cheeks a dark red. He whispers, "w...was that part of the act...?"
"Y-Yes, of course. They're eating it up. See?" You've already stabbed yourself seventy times in the chest for even thinking that was an okay thing to say. Then again, he is marrying your brother. It might be best to try and relinquish these unrequited feelings.
By now, crowd has already moved on to the next scene and the two of you are sitting in silence until Karkat eventually speaks up, "You got a lot from him. Did you know that?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"What I mean to say is that when I was out with Dirk today I noticed you do a lot of the same things he does."
You frown, "So you're saying we're the same?"
He shakes his head, "No, what I'm trying to say is that you're similar in some aspects. You both do certain things that are very similar."
You relax, looking back at the stage. "Please don't compare me to him."
The troll frowns, "Why not?"
"We get compared a lot. It'd be different if we lived together, but now its just annoying," you lean away.
The troll shrinks back in his seat, "Why dont you live with them anymore?"
"Well, I assumed it had something to do with being an assassin, but I could be mistaken."
"I mean why did you chose to go down that path in the first place?"
You look at him, studying him for a moment, "I wanted to be king."
The troll gives you a confused look, "You did?"
"Yes, and as you can see, I didn't get to," you turn back to watch the play. He stays quiet, deciding to drop it and you squeeze his hand gently, silently thanking him. He squeezes it back and nods.
You continue to watch the play and soon there's more audience participation. Someone behind you leans over Karkat's shoulder and whispers "You should go on."
He blinks and turns to them, looking bewildered, "The first time was sheer luck that I was able to come up with something. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't even understand what's happening."
"You just have to react to what the characters say," You inform him.
The lady who whispered at Karkat nudges his shoulder "The more abusive words, the better," The characters on stage are considering attacking the enemy now, which is a terrible idea because the enemy is trying to help them. Cue perfect the moment. The lady behind nudges Karkat more.
His ears lower and he looks to you for help "What am I supposed to do? This was a horrible idea. I can't do improv."
"You did pretty great before. If you like, I'll come up there too."
The troll sinks back in his seat, digging his claws into the armrests "Y-You can go..."
"Come on, you'll do great" you put your hand on Karkat's. "At least try. No one here is going to judge you."
"David, I can't. This was a stupid dream because I can't do it."
You stare at him for a moment. "If you don't want to, I won't force you," He looks away, ears lowering in shame. You frown, leaning in closer. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"I can't even bring myself to go up there and act..."
"That's okay. I mean, I believe in you. The random lady behind us who we've never met believes in you. "
"I just don't understand what to do. I don't even know what's happening..."
"Just come with me," You hold your hand out. He hesitantly takes it and you stand. "Go around the back of the stage and wait for my signal. Act scary."
His mouth hangs open in shock "Pardon?"
"Just scare the audience, okay?" You lead him to the stairways to backstage. He hesitantly nods and goes up the stairs, perking up when he finds a container full of fake blood. You stand in front of the stage, hood up and hush everyone. You then deliver a small line, something along the lines of, "Beware, should you go to war, you'll regret it. You may even come face to face with Death himself," but its not very audible from backstage. The lady from the crowd goes with your plan because you're a charm speaker and grabs a pipe, banging it off of things and causing a huge racket. The troll smirks, using his claws to tear rips in his clothes and pours the blood on himself. You point to the entrance of the stage and shout, "BEWARE" running back to your seat.
Karkat grabs a cloak and puts it on, pulling on the hood. Then he grabs one of the prop swords, storming out onto the stage. The woman backstage hits the lights and the crowd gasps, the only light now on being the flickering spotlight pointed at him. He plunges the sword into the floor and snarls, "So, you want to start a war?" He chuckles darkly "It leads to anarchy. Innocent deaths. But go. Start this war and watch the destruction you bring. And when it's finally your time to die, I'll be the one to take your soul." The crowd screamed when he came on and there are gasps and mutters when he's finished. They all stare at him, silent, looking shocked and scared. He pulls the sword out, pointing it at the group that had been fighting. "When the world is plunged into disaster...when you have the option for war or peace...what will you choose?"
The actors stare at him, baffled. "D-depends o-on the battle?" One of them stutters.
Karkat looks at them calmly, "If Alternia and Earth go to war, what will you do?"
The actor blinks for a moment. "I'd surrender. Id choose peace" The crowd stares at Karkat.
He hands him to sword "Then you will be spared." He turns to the crowd "And you? What will you chose?"
They're all silent until you stand up and say, "I'd choose peace" A few others follow.
"And the rest of you?" He says a little louder. A few more stand, and more, and oh look, the entire theatre is standing. The troll smirks knowingly, "You can not cheat death. You can not cheat me. Remember that." He looks back at the actors, "Remember it well," the lights flicker back on and someone in the back starts clapping. It's not long before everyone follows, the whole place erupting into cheers and applause. He doesn't bow, for he doesn't see it fitting. To him, that wasn't meant to be a performance. It was meant to be a lesson. He hops down from the stage, making his way back to his seat.
People stare at him and so do you, but you look worried. "Do you think anyone recognized you?" You whisper.
Karkat smiles a little. "Let them recognize me. Let them know my words. They were words for my people from their future king. I have no need to hide." You go expressionless, looking around as the actors try to continue the play. "Do not worry for my sake. If you are so fearful, we may take our leave."
"I think that's a good idea-"
The lady from before puts a hand on Karkat's shoulder. "I wouldn't leave now if I were you."
He turns back to look at her, "Why not?"
"Just wait until the end of the show," she says.
"I really think we should-" you begin.
"Stay," she insists.
"How much longer?"
"Just a few minutes. It looks as though they're going to change the plot quite a bit."
He quirks an eyebrow and sits, "Just a few more minutes..." He looks up at you and you reluctantly sit.
A few minutes later, she stands up and tugs at Karkat to stand up, too. The prince stands, casting you a curious glance. You look uncomfortable, your hand on your sword just in case. The lady pulls him towards the stage and he follows, chin up in confidence. Everyone is watching, suspicious. She takes him to the center of the stage. "Please remove your mask."
"Why not?" she reaches for the mask.
He grabs her wrist without even looking at her, "Why need you remove it?"
"Suspicions" she tries to wriggle her hand free and one of the actors approaches them.
"Sir, please take your mask off" you carefully stand  up and walk  towards Karkat.
"What suspicions?" He snaps, turning to the actor approaching him.
"JUST TAKE YOUR MASK OFF" someone from the crowd shouts.
"Suspicions related to your identity" the actor says calmly.
"My identity is none of your concern." The troll growls.
"You're in our theatre. Your identity is definitely a concern."
He narrows his eyes, "Fine," he removes his mask, "You should be honored to have your lowly prince among you. The one who owns this place." They gasp and all bow down immediately. You do as well, just to avoid suspicion yourself. He rolls his eyes, "Stand. Here, I am one of you. I would like to be, but not a soul may know I was here. Am I made clear? Do not forget my authority, though I wish to be treated as equals." They nod, standing slowly. A few of them whisper to each other but none look up at him. The troll looks to you. "You there. You will escort me to the palace. You're armed. Come" You look confused for a moment and nod, putting the sword away and walking to him. He climbs down from the stage, returning his mask to his face, "Remember my words. No one is to know I was here." He hooks his arm with yours. You can't help but look amused, leading him outside. Once you're gone, he sighs softly, "My oh my...that was stressful."
You lean on him "I love an authoritive figure," you chuckle, " You did great."
"I tried. I suppose that's all that counts," he mutters, leaning back against you.
"You've got talent, Karkat" you muse.
He looks away, "Thank you."
"Did you have fun?"
"I always do when I'm with you..." He says quietly.
You smile and bite your lip to stop. "Thanks" He nods, nuzzling his head against your arm. You walk towards the castle and continue. "Are you tired?"
"A little... I'll be at your palace tomorrow though..."
"I'll see you there then" you say, tensing slightly.
"You dont have to go..." He mutters "I can tell the thought of being there makes you uncomfortable..."
"But you want me there, right?" You look over at him. He nods once you get to the hole in the wall. "Then I'll be there" you take Karkat's coat off and hold it out to him. He does the same and takes his jacket back, nodding his thanks. You put your own coat down on the ground for Karkat to crawl over and smile "Not much help now that you look like you fought a bear." You point to the ripped shirt.
He cracks a small, weak smile and motions to the fake blood, "The bear lost."
"How blessed we are to have a king that can fight a bear and still be home in time for tea?"
He chuckles a little, "Very..." He mutters, leaning against the wall and looking up at you.
"Do me a favor? Wear red tomorrow."
He frowns, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, "Why?"
"My eye color"
"What? Do you wish to have some sort of claims on me?"
"Yes. That's exactly the reason. Also, I'm sure red will look good on you."
His smile falters and he looks down, "I've been meaning to say something about this for a while now..."
"What?" You frown. "You don't actually have to wear red..."
"What I mean is... I think we need to stop this. This flirtationship we have going on. Don't be coy because you know exactly what I'm referring to. I just don't think it's fair. Not to you or to me or to your brother. It's wrong if me to be unfaithful and I don't like it... I mean I love it because I love being with you but..." He trails off.
"I understand" you give Karkat a smile. "I'll stop." His ears lower and he looks as though he's on the verge of tears, but he looks away and thanks you in a barely audible voice, "Don't mention it..." You mutter back. "I'll just go"  you pick up your coat.
"Alright..." He deadpans, pressing his forehead to the wall.
"See you tomorrow " you lowers your head and quickly walk away.
He stays quiet, unable to respond. If he had opened his mouth to speak, it would've been obvious to hear that he had been crying.

Kill Me Romantically: A Davekat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now