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Listen, I wrote this when I was a freshman in high school. I am now a senior. I never want to look at or edit this trash again. Please don't comment asking questions about the plot, errors, or inconsistencies. I don't remember any of this, nor do I care to. This is going to remain how it is, never to be edited again, indefinitely. Additionally, there's probably not going to be a sequel. The only good part of this was my co-author, but my stupid 14-15 year-old self even managed to ruin the parts they did.

Kudos to you if you enjoy this. I greatly appreciate it. However, I'm not responding to comments on any stories where this note is written. If this note isn't on a story, I'll happily interact and reply to comment.

I apologize, but this is just awful in my opinion. Feel free to comment as you please, but know that I will only skim them over and not reply.

Thank you.


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