Chapter 10: Wise Words and Broken Hearts

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When you finally come down to dinner, you sit opposite Dirk, away from Karkat. You watch as he digs his claws into his palm, trying to force himself not to cry. The sight is torture. You attempt not look at him, keeping your eyes on Dirk to see if he's cooled off. To your surprise, he looks as though nothing ever happened. In fact, he looks completely clueless to the whole situation. You glance at Karkat, confused, but all he does is stare at his plate with an empty look, mindlessly pushing his food around his plate. Finally, as a last resort, you decide to talk to your father, "So I see you didn't change much of my room while I was gone."

His father looks almost shocked to see you talk to him willingly, "Oh. I didn't think I had a right to change anything. We kept it locked most of the time... It made it feel as though you were still there..."

"I thought you would've made it into a guest bedroom," you mutter, playing with your food, "Or just another room for your puppets..."

He shakes his head, "It's your room. It'll always be your room because you're always welcome to come home."

"It's not my 'home' anymore, father, but thank you," He stays quiet, doing as everyone else was and turning his attention to picking at his food, "I'll visit more," you murmur to him, feeling guilty with how mean you were being to him.

Your father blinks, glancing up at you before smiling softly, "I'd love that..."

Swallowing down the rest of your water, you speak, "I think I'll go to bed now," you stand. They all nod, keeping quiet. Once again, you glance at Karkat before leaving to your room. Once dinner is done, you can hear Dirk and Karkat walking back to their room. Not long after, you hear Dirk's lone footsteps heading to the library. Deciding now was as good of a time as any to talk to Dirk, you make your way to the library to find him sitting on the couch by the fire reading. You enter, walking up behind him, "Dirk..?"

"Yes?" He asks without looking up.

You hesitate a moment before speaking again, "Are you mad at me?"


"You know what for..." you play with the end of your sleeve, looking like a child.

He chuckles, "Because you were in my room with Karkat?"

You give him a dumbfounded look, "Well... Yes," you frown, "Why are you laughing?"

"You didn't do anything wrong, so what's the problem?"

"But-" you pause, "Are you messing with me?"

"How would I do so?"

"I thought... You'd heard..." you furrow your eyebrows together.

Now your brother frowns, "Heard what?" He closes the book he was reading, Romeo and Juliet.

You sigh, finding no point in hiding it from him, "I told him. I told Karkat how I felt."

He finally stands, setting his book aside and turning around. You can now clearly see the rage in his eyes. More than that, you could see all of the hurt you caused him, "I know you did. And I refuse to go down without a fight. As of now, you are no longer my brother. You're nothing to me."

He looks so incredibly hurt as he says it, but the words cut you like a knife, "Dirk, please don't say that..."

He snarls, "If the affections of another are more important than your own kin, then take him for yourself. You are no longer my best man. I want nothing to do with you. I'd have given him up for you, but not now. I curse you a thousand times and never again will I feel and pity nor happiness for you. I have nothing but hate for you."

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