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Connor stood straighter as he scanned the hallway. Shoulders pushed him and elbows jabbed, not being wary or seemingly aware of him as an addition to this scene. Students filed into their classes while he searched for his own. He tried to look for numbers or labels for the classes or teachers but he was having no apparent luck. He rolled his leather jacket sleeves down and pulled his backpack farther onto his back, he kept looking. The halls were clearing as Connor raced down them, not wanting to ask someone for directions. He found the cafeteria and remembered hearing someone say how it was at the center of all of the rooms in the school so he looked around for a sign, anything. He was late, the bell rang. He ran his hand through his hair and felt the stubble forming on his chin. He sighed, walking slowly down one of the hallways. He heard laughter almost echo down the hallway, it was laughter he knew well but hadn't heard in awhile. It sounded cruel and even a bit evil. Connor looked around and kept walking. Turning a hallway, with a squeak of his boots on the tile, he saw a boy being pushed face first into the lockers by two other boys. The boy's glasses fell to the floor and one of the bullies stood close behind him. Connor wanted to help but it wasn't his problem, he remembered. Stay out of things that aren't yours to be in.
The bully smirked amd tightened his jaw as he had the boy against the lockers, he put his hand on his leg and slid it into his pocket slowly. Connor set his jaw. The bully pulled out a ten dollar bill and the boys eyes were shut tight as the bully's hand was on his thigh. The bullies laughed and the one who took the money whispered something in the boys ear. Connor's hands were sweaty and he wiped them on his jeans. He closed his eyes and took a breath.
"Hey!" He said, walking around the corner. The bullies turned to him before running away, not knowing how to react. They took the money with them.
"Are you-"
"You shouldn't have done that." The boy cut Connor off as he sunk to the floor and tried to check his glasses for breaks. He seemed to be having trouble so Connor crouched down by the boy, gently taking the glasses from him. He studied them for a moment but didn't see any breaks so he placed them back on the boy's face without looking him in the eyes.
"Thanks." The boy said, blinking a few times before seeing Connor's face for the first time. Connor noticed that the boy seemed anxious, who wouldn't be after having their leg involuntarily touched and having their money stolen? Someone with odd fetishes, Connor guessed.
"I'm Oliver." The boy said. Connor stood up and held out his hand for Oliver to take. Connor helped him up and Oliver brushed at his sweater to remove dirt or dust that was invisible to Connor. Connor watched him, he liked the way that they were the same height almost, how Oliver's eyes slanted and how his glasses seemed to rest just above his cheek bones, accenting them. He looked at his shoes and away from Oliver's face.
"Thanks again.." Oliver added.
"Sure thing." Connor replied, rubbing the back of his neck, smirking. Oliver seemed okay after that, like it wasn't an unusual thing to happen, Connor didn't like that idea.
"Where are you headed?" Oliver asked, folding his arms in front of himself, his sweater looked comfy.
"Wood Shop, I can't find it."
"Oh! What a coincidence! I'm going there too, c'mon." Oliver smiled at him a little and started walking down the hallway behind Connor, their shoulders brushing as he did so. Connor was a few feet away and he turned around with a little laugh and fixed his glasses.
"Are you coming?"
"Yeah," Connor coughed.
"I am." He caught up to Oliver who watched him as he did.
"So.. What's your name?" Oliver asked.
"I'm.. I'm Connor, Connor Walsh."
"Well, Connor, nice to meet you." Oliver held out a hand as they walked and held a crooked smile.
"You too." Connor grabbed Oliver's hand and shook it, trying not to take notice of how soft his skin was. He looked back at his shoes. Had Connor Walsh just made a friend?
He'd warmed himself to stay out of things that didn't concern him, who knew, maybe Oliver would become a concern of his. He didn't know then if he hoped for that or not.

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