ch 5. -out of my limit

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Calum was chatting with Luke and Michael over lunch when he saw Ashton shuffling into the cafeteria, looking absolutely defeated. He told the boys who quickly silenced and shot him a look of concern. "Ashton?" Luke said, "What happened?"

"Tasha. She said no. She turned me down."

Michael looked at Calum, who kicked him lightly under the table. "S-sorry mate. That really sucks." He said, silently cheering. He really didn't like the idea of Ashton and Tasha being together anyway.

"It''s alright. But who am I gonna take? Who will go to the formal with me? Maybe I shouldn't go at all." He rested his head on his hands.

"Take Calum." Luke said. Calum froze.

"What?" Ashton asked, looking confused.

No. No, stop. Calum silently begged Luke to just shut up and leave it alone. Michael piped up.

"Yeah, we'll all go together. I'll take Luke and you can 'take' Calum. We do everything together anyways!" he said.

"Yeah, and afterwards we'll spend the night at my house." Luke said, "mum and dad will be out visiting family. I got their permission. We'll have the place to ourselves."

This made Ashton look absolutely delighted, much to Calum's surprise. "That sounds great. You guys are so good at bringing me out of a slump."

"Wait," Calum said, "So does that mean..."

Ashton got down on one knee and held up one of his carrot sticks. "Calum Hood, will you be my date to the school formal?" He simpered.

Calum took the carrot stick and bit into it. "Ashton Irwin, it would be an honor."

"Awwwww" Luke and Michael said in unison. "Ickle beebees" Luke said, reaching across the table to pinch Calum's cheek.

Ashton laughed and returned to his seat, grabbing Calum in a quick side-hug. "We'll have fun." He said, munching on his celery.

Calum went home with the biggest smile on his face that day.

A couple weeks had passed and the boys were out shopping for tux's for the formal. Michael was sitting in an uncomfortable chair waiting for Luke to finish trying on yet another suit. "I'm bored."

"I hear you out there." Luke said from the dressing room. "You've yet to find anything so I don't want to hear any griping." He emerged from the room, donned in a bright lime green tux. "D'you like it?"

"It matches my hair!" Michael said, amazed.

"Sure does. That's why I picked it out. It makes me think of my Mikey-bear."

Ashton and Calum groaned. "You two are so cute. It's gross." Calum said, flipping through different colored vests. He pulled out a deep purple one. "Oh my god!" Ashton said. "Calum that's the color of royalty. Go try that on. Is there one in my size? I'll match." He practically bounded over to the clothing rack, frantically trying to find a match.

"What size do you need?" Calum said.

"Hm, a medium I guess."

They didn't understand tux sizes and blindly chose two matching purple vests.

All the dressing rooms were taken, save for one. Calum looked at Ashton. "I'm not trying to be weird, but, do you want to just share a room? To make things quicker, I mean?"

"Yeah, that's no problem." Ashton said, opening the door to the dressing room. "Ladies first!"

Calum pouted and went in. The boys began undressing. Calum couldn't help but watch Ashton pull his tee over his head, watching the boys ribcage press against his tanned skin. He seemed to have lost a lot of weight. While he looked rather fit, Calum figured maybe he was taking everything a little too far. Ashton's stomach was so flat, it was nearly concave.

"Erm, Cal? You alright?" Ashton said. Calum snapped back into reality. "Yeah, haha." He looked down and began fumbling with the buttons to a dress shirt. He slipped the vest over the shirt and buttoned it up. "How does it look?"

Ashton gave him a once over. "That is a good color on you. Let's see how it looks on me, though I bet it will look like shit."

"Nah," Calum said. "Everything looks awesome on you." He blushed and turned away, taking the vest off and wishing he hadn't said anything. He turned back around to see Ashton all dressed up. "Yep. Proving me right. You look amazing." Calum said. "I really like this color."

"Me too," Ashton said, avoiding the mirror.

"Look at yourself Ash! You look great." He gently grabbed Ashton's shoulders and slowly spun him towards the mirror. Ashton snickered lightly, grabbing his phone and taking a funny selfie with Calum.

They put their own clothes back on and came out of the dressing room.

"Aw, you didn't let us see!" Michael pouted.

"Don't worry, Ashton took a picture." They showed the boys their mirror selfie.

"Like two little princes." Michael said, sighing. He turned to Luke and faked a shaky sob. "Our boys have grown up, Lukey-pie."

"I know," Luke said, wiping a nonexistent tear from his face. "Where has the time gone?"

Ashton rolled his eyes. "Well did you find something Michael?" he said.

"Ye-up. It's pink!" He held up his tux and pink vest. "My bowtie is green, and Luke's is gonna be pink."

"Aw. So cute. Let me go vomit." Calum said. They all paid for their things.

On the ride home, Michael and Luke relentlessly picked on Calum and Ashton.

"Oh shut up, you and Luke are going together." Calum was pouting the whole time.

"Well, we're dating." Michael said, resting his hand on Luke's. "What's your excuse?"

"W-we- just shut up Mikey." Calum said, exasperated. Ashton was losing it. "Oh, Cal, get your knickers in a bunch did you?" Calum had to chuckle at that. He could never be annoyed with Ashton. The bright-eyed boy exuded happiness wherever he went, whatever he was doing. My little ray of sunshine, he thought.


sorry this chapter is so short. i needed to get it out and i wasn't 100% sure how to end it and ehhh it's kind of a mess but ohwell :) on to bigger and better things!!! thanks for reading, xoxo -em

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