Chapter 3: Surprise

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Today was Friday and Holden was picking me up later on tonight for our dinner date. He would be here around 7:00 so at 4:30 I showered and got ready (outfit up top). I am so nervous because tonight is the night Im gonna tell Holden about the baby so I want everything to be perfect. Before I hopped in the shower I spent 10 minutes with my head in the toilet, vomiting, what if the baby knows it's about to meet it's father.

"Liv, honey Holden's here" my mom yelled upstairs. "Just a second" I yelled.  I took one last look in the mirror, kissed my hand and placed it on my still flat belly, then carefully walked down stairs and saw Holden in the doorway. "Wow Liv, you look.....Wow" said Holden. "Thanks, you look handsome yourself" I said. "Shall We" he said, holding out his arm. "We Shall" I responded.

Holden took me to one of the fanciest restaurants in Wisconsin. It's named "Precioso" it's precious in Spanish. We went inside and took our seats and started looking through the menu, he ordered a steak and I ordered a caesar salad. I decided to tell Holden before the food came to keep his attention and keep him from throwing anything up, even though I should be the one worrying about throwing up. "Holden, I have some news to tell you and I don't know weather you'll like it or not so please dont be mad at me even though that most of this is your fault" I said fast. "What is it Liv, It can't be that bad". Holden said. "We'll Im sorta, kinda, maybe.....pregnant". And just like that his mouth fell wide open. "Am I hearing you clearly Liv, did you just say your pregnant" said Holden. I nodded my head yes afraid to speak but before i could pull it fully back up, I felt something warm crush hard onto my lips and instantly knew they were Holden's because it had the same intensity of the night we first had sex. "Your not mad"? I asked him. "Of course im not mad" he responded, " Im gonna be a father and the person I love the most is going to be the mother. Liv we created a life" he said. "But were so young, i mean were only 17 and still in high school but then we wanted to go to  college and we had our whole lives planned out and now.."

I was cut off by another kiss "I know this is early and way ahead of plans but we made a baby. We got a little piece of you and a little piece of me and we made a baby. I want to be there for you, I want to go to every doctors appointment, I want to feel it kick, I want to see my son or daughter come into this world, I want to see them grow up but I want to do everything with you, I want to go on this adventure with YOU." Holden said. Holden's words made her cried, they then hugged and kissed. Holden then bent down to my stomach and started kissing and talking to the baby. We were so happy in our own little bubble
that we forgot we were in the restaurant and we didn't realize when everyone started clapping for us.

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