Chapter 26: Are you serious?!

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"I'm pregnant." Andie repeated once again.

Everybody else in the room was silent. Everyone turned to look at Holden

"No, no, no. This can't be you have to be lying. She's lied about this before. You're not really pregnant."

Liv said defensively and she rubbed Holden's arm. Him still silent in disbelief.

Andie dug into her purse and pulled out a small white stick. She placed it on the table and everybody leaned in to get a closer look.

It was a pregnancy test and sure enough it said pregnant.

By this time Liv's hand was turning red from how hard she was grabbing the desk. She was so anrgry she wanted to jump across the table and attack her but she didn't want to be sent to jail for assault.

The court team started to whispered in each others ears until finally one of them spoke.

"Uh, Andie considering your history of a untruthfulness concerning pregnancy,  we would like for you to take another test right now." Said Mr. Dwyer.

"No problem. I bought an extra for a reason." Andie said while smiling menacingly at Liv.

She took out a test box and made her way into the bathroom next to her. When she entered she quickly locked the door. She pulled up her dress and sat on the toilet seat to take the test.

When she was done, she flushed the toilet and washed her hands.

She waited 5 minutes until she picked up the test and walked out of the bathroom. She placed the test on the table and again it was positive.

Its true they all thought. Liv couldn't take it anymore and stormed out. Holden got up and chased after her. He kept calling her but she ignored him and simply walked faster.

They reached outside the front walkway. He grabbed her arm and swung her around.

Her mascara was smudged and she had tears pouring out of her eyes like an endless river. What Holden saw broke his heart.

"Liv talk to me please." He begged her.

"What is there to talk about!? She's pregnant and theirs nothing we can do about it. It's bad enough you slept with her but now there's a child involved!" She screamed.

She was making a scene but she didn't care she was furious and felt betrayed.

"That's not fair Liv! You know its not my fault. SHE DRUGGED ME! I had no control over what I was doing. You know I love you and only you. You are the mother of my son. I proposed to you because I knew that I loved you so much that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you! Is that not enough for you to understand how I feel about you? I'm only 17 years old and I already know what love feels like."

Holden begged.

"Listen, I know you love me but...I just don't think I can handle this. You're gonna be stuck with that memory in your head for the rest of your life and its only gonna get worse when that baby is born. I think its just better if you take some time to think. Me and the baby will stay with my parents for a while."

She said calmy as more tears continued to come down.

"No. Liv please don-" He started before he was cut off with a kiss.

She grabbed his face and smashed her lips against his. Multiple emotions swirling in their heads.

He leaned in as she pulled away.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"Liv wait-"

It was too late before she caught a taxi and left.

'I can't lose her again!' He thought to himself.

He turned around and walked back into the office.

He found his way back into the room where he saw Andie crying.

She turned around and got up. She ran into him for a hug while crying on his shoulder the whole time. Him not touching her at all.

He stood there.

She then grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach.

...If only they knew the test was fake.

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