Chapter 5 My best friend

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For my Best friends yous know who you are xxx(If they even read this )


Its not him both of our smiles slowly fade .

His parents both walk over to mine.

He slowly release my hand then gives me a reassuring smile.

"Is she yours ??"Looking down at daisy


"Is she your kid did you lose your mate Tooo??"

"No ah she is my sister"

He started chuckling.

"What are you laughing about ??"

"Its just that she looks so much like you and Actually look like a mum plus you two have your scent mixed together aswell"

"Wow i dont know if that's a compliment or a insult "

"Trust me it was a compliment "

"Well thank you"

We both walked over to the table where our families where sitting at .

I sat next to Nate and Hayden and Daisy sat next to me in her stroller.

"Here you go baby there is your bottle and that's you done"I said in my sweet innocent voice.

"And ms midnight what can i get you for your meal today "

"Um i will just have a hamburger thanks "

"OK cool and what would you like for the drink ??"

"Orange juice would be great"

'What about for Mr Hayden today "

"You get me mine Katy "


"Um can he please have 6 hot dogs and a coke "

"I dont wont a coke i wont a scotch"

"Hayden where did you here that ??"My mother asked

There was no reply Hayden just ran off somewhere probably the bathroom.

"Make it a coke "

"Yip sure anything else for today ??"

"No thank you that will be all "

Our drinks came and we all started having a good old yak.

"We are going to the pub laddies "

"We just ordered dinner though "My mum pleaded

"Oh come on baby please "

"Oh alright are you taking your sons i take it ??"

"Sure we might as well"

All of the males at the table stood up and walked next-door to the pub.

Hayden was crying because they wouldn't let him go with them.

"Come on bud look at the bright side you get to spend the rest of the day with your sisters"

He nodded very slowly.

I wiped his tears away and kissed his forehead

"How bout we go down the road for ice cream"

"YEAH YEAH "He jumped up in down excitedly

"Hey ma"


"Me Hayden and daisy are going to get some ice cream.'

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