Chapter 39 "I love you"

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This is the end my lovely people thank you so much for reading my book i will be editing this book and the Sequel will be started whenever i can get around to it.

Scenes might be changed just warning you now and i will put up and update when the new book is up.




Kate's pov

I darted through all of Zayns men trying to stop me from getting to my pup .Yeah like that would stop me.Nothing will stop me.I ripped all of their heads off and through them out of my way.

Zayn smirked at me coming for him. Thats when the headache came back slowed down running shaking my head trying to get rid of the headache.But it only got worse.It started travelling down my body.

Its is hurting badly but i needed to keep Zoe safe no matter what.I watched as most of the men backed off.

Why ???

I shook of the thought and kept running straight for Zoe.Sneering my teeth at any wolf that tried coming near me.

I turnt my head back around and saw everyone was trying to decide weather or not to follow me or not .

Cole had already made up his mind But him and Luke had started fighting.I shook my head not wanting to worry about it.

A burst of pain hit me in my lower region and it was hurting bad the pain traveled up my back and i was letting out little sobs/whimpers as i ran.

As i was getting closer an closer towards him.The pain was intensifying.I was not going to show him i was in pain though.

"You dont care about what happens to you do you Kate??"I snarled in response .

I honestly couldn't have cared less 20 minutes ago but now all that i care about is keeping my loved ones safe.

"I will take that as a No "I barked at him i swear to god if he didn't have my daughter in his hands i would have killed him by now.

"Lets get down to business shall we then "He chucked Zoe's little form in the air and i jumped to catch her.I caught her in my mouth by her fur.

Then landed and put her down licking her face,Happy that she was with me and that she was safe.

The moment was short lived when i heard a wolf growl.Zoe whimpered and i stood in front of her protectively.

Zoe snuggled out of my fur and put her head and took a whiff of the air.She raised her head and howled.

Everyone's attention was caught.Including mine and Zane took it as his chance and lunged at me which caused everyone to bark or snarl.

I heard a Howl and that meant war.Wolves from everywhere jumped at everyone.

I saw Cole running for me but he ended up turning to his left to help his pack member's .

Luke stood up on the rock along with all of the Luna's and Betas who were looking for female wolves but i dont think their where any.

They were watching their mates in fear of one of them getting hurt.

Every female Luna was up their except for my mother of coarse i watched as she flanked my bother and watched his back .

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