Chapter 18 Leaving everything

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I am in my room currently packing up my life while little Zoey is still asleep.Poor baby probably hasn't had a goodnight sleep in ages.I put my clothes in my suitcase.I pack Undies,bras,socks,tracksuits,jeans,T-shirts,sweats,shorts a couple of dresses,Jumpers and my leather Jacket.Its either always fucken hot or bloody freezing up there.I Then neatly pack all of that shit in there.

Its May so it will be just getting out of winter but it can always change plus it always has heaps of thunderstorms.I hate thunderstorms so does Hayden and Daisy.

I looked around my room and thought of it all not being here me not being here.My window was now brand new and had double lock on it now but its not like i will be needing it.

I Put My computer in its computer bag and put that on top of all of my clothes and then go to my closet and get my shoes the ones i gonna need.Which is 2 pairs of sneakers,2 pairs of flats,My 2 riding boots,A pair of high heels,Hiking boots and then put them in the 2nd suit case where i also put my pictures in.

I looked at one and it was of me,Rose,Nate and Fred at a pack members Wedding.Fred is Roses Mate.

The one of me and dad fixing up my car.

Me going to the ball with Nate and brothers in tow.

A photo of me and my mum riding the wild horses.

Me and Daisy under a tree reading a story.

Me and Nate at the lake.

A photo of me in my car racing Nick in his car.

A photo of me and my grandparents at their 50 Th year anniversary.

And the final photo was of everybody i cared about in the one photo.My parents,Brothers,Daisy,Rose,Nate,James,Fred everyone except for zoey Jaycee and my Mate i am yet to meet.

I grab my Blanket and put it in there.I grab A pillow of my bed trying not to wake Zoey up.Shit we haven't got anything for her to sleep in either shit.That is on the shopping list tomorrow.

I look over to my clock it reads 10:56.I cant manage to even think about sleeping so i keep on packing as much as i can into my 4 bags.I squish the toiletries in the second bag.I grab my school bag out and put my torch,Gun,Knife,Ammunition,pepper spray,Holster and cover it with one of my rain coats.I put my wallet out on top of the 2 bags i have already stacked.

I check it too make sure i have everything.My new i-d,Credit card my new name is now Kate Night. Well that ones gonna take some getting use too.I put my photo Album in my school bag.I also chuck some necklaces and bracelets and shit in their to i put my Favorite books in there as well I have one bag left but i might just leave it empty incase the kids need another bag.

I slightly open Hayden's door and he is asleep.I walk over to his wardrobe and grab his suit case out since he is so little his clothes aren't that big so they fit in the suit case piece of piss.He only needs two bags.His clothes bag and his toy bag.I put all of his clothes in the suit case and then their is still room in their so i start putting his little Train sets in there.

I full his bags with all of the toys he loves.I quietly pick up the bags and walk into my room an plonk the bags on the floor. Zoey is still fast asleep curled up in my Baby blanket which i will be taking tomorrow.

I cant belief this is actually happening.I dont want it to be happening i want everything to go back how it was.I wanna be a kid again and not understand why the bad people want to kill us,Why we fight,Why we do all of things we do.Because the truth is sometimes better not to know.But as my mother always says "Its always better to get hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie".

I walked into daisy's room and got her suit cases out and quietly started packing her stuff into the suit case.Once i had put most of her clothes in their i started to put some of her toys in her bag.I looked into her coat and saw a sleeping angel.A tear slipped my eye.I quickly grabbed her bags and ran to my room closing the double doors then falling back on the wall crying ever so silently.

This was all my fault everybody has to pack up and leave she wont get a proper life because of us.Maybe we should just give ourselves up before they hurt anyone we care about.

"Kate are you awake "Dan said walking in tapping the door lightly.


He opened the door and walked in.I looked up at him and he immediately slung his arms around me bringing me into him.Kissing my forehead.

"Its gonna be ok Kate OK i Promise you that "

I nodded my head in his chest trying not to cry Loudly so people would hear .

"Im gonna Kill them if it is the last hing i do "

I nod again."Hey I mean it i would die for you,Hayden<Daisy,Mum,Dad,Granddad.Grandma<Nick,Johnny and anyone else in the pack."

Then the thought came into my mind Dan Dying because of me that made me start crying even more.I cant lose him i cant lose my Big brother.I cant lose anyone in my family.I should just hand myself over to them so my family would be safe.

"Kate dont you dare even think that"

"Think what??'I mumbled into his chest.

"You hand yourself over to the rouges they will find away to break you Kate.I know you try to act all tough i know you are Kate in those videos i--i have never seen somebody not ever give in.How did you do it??"I looked up to see his face he had so much regret.

Jesus i have no clue i just had the will to come home and see my family.

"I -i just wanted to come home and see you guys again"I sobbed

"In those videos you use to scream for us but you where asleep what was that??"

"A fear simulation you stay in their until the serum wears off '

My brother begun to shake and let out a warning growl.I then hugged him tightly knowing his wolf wouldn't dare hurt is younger sister.He calmed down.

"What were they about ??"

"Lots of things "I mumbled

"Kate can you tell me some of the stuff "

"I dont think that's a good idea Dan "

"Please"He begged

"Are you sure.??"

He nodded

"My first one was my mate dying in my arms "

"Second one was watching everyone be executed in-front of my eyes

"Their was one when i was in a field i seen mum lying on the grass bleeding out i ran over to her and screamed then i used my gift to take her pain away.And---"

"And what?"

"I died "

He looked down at his lap.

"Kate that's never going to happen me and your mate and my pack and his will protect you and your pup and our sibling until the very end "He promised

He loves me so much i can see it in his eyes.He would do anything for me or the kids.He would run half way around the world to find me,Kill for me he would die for me.

I nodded and looked at the clock 4:00.

In one hour i would be leaving my life in one hour i would have to say goodbye to everything and everyone i ever loved.In one hour my life would be completely changed.

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