Chapter 15 Ava

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Where about is she ??

Some of the kids reckon she is up by the rainbow fall out on a hunt been a big sighting of deer up there ??'

Who is it ??

Lilly she went out on a hunt .

Anybody been able to get a hold of her ??

No Luna

Luna we have just received news she is caring a pup and she has one of the orphaned children with her as well Luna

Right im going up there to have a look now Send 5 men to assist.I want a helicopter in the air as well

Yes Luna the five men have left now they will be with you in the hour.

I didn't use the stairs i opened my double doors and took my boots off and put them in my duffle bag where u put my gun and my knife .Then jumped off and landed on all fours then started running towards the rainbow falls.

The wind blowing on my fur was comforting I ran fast like a wolf with fire up its ass.

I sniffed the air i could smell her scent was near.I kept on running through the the forest .Looking everywhere trying to find her and the young female pup she brought out here.It must have been her turn to look after her.

All the orphaned pups and their is only about 8.Have a person that looks after them.Until a more permanent home is found for them.

I knew Lilly she was a little bit older than me by like a year and a half.Her Mate is one of the fighters that followed my parents with the rogues. Ray is a real cool dude he is close with Nate and stuff as well so i know them but not as well as i probably should.

I have been running for about an hour and half hours straight.When I came into a clearing their was still some trees and stuff but their where more flowers than anything.I scanned the area until something caught my attention a little whimper and that could only be given by a pup I held my head up from tall grass and let out a light whimper for her to hear me and what do you know she comes running up to me.

Kira baby where is Lilly??

She crying Katie .

Can you take me to her ??


She then zipped off i followed closely behind her.

When we reached Lilly i knew why nobody could get a hold of her i looked down at her and she was sitting their with a young pup in her hands.I quickly shifted and ran over to her.Kira did the exact same.

"Luna what are you doing out here ??"
She looked physically drained i knew she wouldn't be running outta here anytime soon.

"Lilly thank god we thought rogues had got the both of you "

"Oh I -m -ssorr-yy"

I bent down to her so i could see in her eyes.

"Lilly are you ok ??"

"I feel ---e-ra--ell-y"

Then she fell from sitting up right and fell down side ways i quickly grabbed her baby before she squashed her.

"Here Kira here hold her ok you sit there and hold her ok"

She nodded in response.

WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT HELICOPTER AND MY BACK UP.I screamed through the mind link.

Luna we are about 5 minutes out we need you to get to the clearing /?

OK i have a new born pup with us also "

Sky is she gonna be ok ??

She will be fine Kate she is just exhausted

I ran over to Kira where he was holding the newborn baby.I took my singlet off and wrapped it around the baby.

"OK Kira so this is what gonna happen im gonna shift then im gonna get Lilly then your gonna give me her Baby then you will shift too then you get to go for a ride in the helicopter "


I shifted and walked over to Lilly and picked her gently up in her human form and plopped her on my back then I grabbed the baby with the singlet in my mouth then i nudge Kira to shift and she did.I grabbed My back and slung it around .We began running back to the clearing.

We ran into the middle of the clearing and i put down Lilly and layed her baby in her arms.Lilly started to wake up.I shifted into my human form.

"Luna "

"Hey girl how ya feeling "

"Better "She said looking down so proudly at her Baby.She was hugging her so tight.

"What are ya going to call her ??"
"Ava Kathrine Thompson "

'It is a beautiful Name "

I heard the helicopter coming from around the Hills.

Kate where are you have been gone for over 3 hours your parents and the pack just arrived home .

The helicopter is coming now we will be home in 10 minutes

Ok see you soon sweetheart.

"Well here is our ride guys "

"Oh thank the goddess "

The helicopter than started to land i covered Kira,Lilly s and Ava's body's with mine so none of the shit that was flying anywhere would get anywhere on them.

When the helicopter finally landed.The man came up and helped me carry all of the kids to the helicopter.

"Luna i dont know if there is enough room ??'

"Its ok you guys go i will run home "

"Luna are you sure "

"Yes im sure now quickly go "

"Kate be careful okay "Lilly said quietly.

"Dont you dare worry about me you just concentrate on looking after your self and young Ava "

"Hahha yes Kate "

"OK see you guys in about 40 minutes "

"Which way are you gonna take Kate"

"The Valley will be quicker i think "

I shut the door to the helicopter and ran back to a safe distant i stood there and watched the helicopter take off.I watched it fly off into the distant back to the heli pad back at the pack house.

I shifted into my wolf and started running back to my house about 15 minutes after i started running i smelt something funny famialair but funny.I stopped.Sniffed the air again.It took a while for me to process what it was .

Petrol fumes..

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