Chapter 3: Meet and Greet

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Suddenly Calum shook me and said,

'Hey, you okay?'He looked worried.

'Yeah.' I said and he looked relieved a little.

'It's your turn.' He patted my shoulder.

'Oh....sorry.' I picked up the mike and said, 'Skylar is real asked, if your bestfriend is here what would you do? I'll tell her everything I didn't say
a spend time with her.' I said as I looked around for that special face.

Sky's POV
15 mins later~

'So, London. Take out your tickets and see if there's a red and blue dot at the right corner. If there is show the secrurity st the door while your going out and they'll bring you to a special place.' Me and Al checked a saw the blue and red dots the corner. While we are on our way out, the people are just piling unto a mountain going out.

'Hey, meet you there!' Al shouted.

'Yeah sure!' Okay this scenario is seriously worse than a fashion store having sale. This is hamburger suicide squad. Finally! The door! I gave the secrurity my ticket. He looked at it and gestured me to follow him. Then he led me to an ally leading towards a place like an arena but smaller in size.

Luke's POV

I have to find her...I know I have to I know its my only chance of getting her back but I can't and maybe I'll never see her again. Maybe we're just not meant to be...

Sky's pov

We went into the arena place and I saw a line of people all excited lining up. What's going on? The line got shorter and shorter. And fina,,y I can see what's going on and all I can say is,'OMG!'

Luke's pov

The line got shorter and it's down to the last one now, I lifted my head up and saw her. Oh, Lord, thank you for this day very much.

Sky's pov

I hugged and took selfies with all of them except for Luke and it was lucky that he's the last in line.

'Hey penguin. ' I smiled and said.

'Hey Polar.' He said with a smile and spreaded his arms. I hugged him tightly like I never want to let go.

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