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Hello my name is Freya. I have been watching Home and Away since was a child and created my own character for the show. I used to write stories for this character and didn't realise a sight like this existed until my friend pointed it out to me. So I have decided to post a couple of chapters of my story to see what you think of it.

My characters name is Alanna Harris she is 28 years old. She is 5ft 7 and has blond hair and blue eyes. Her figure is similar to Bianca's and she is as equally as stylish.

This first chapter is basically a summary of her life up to the present date. Please let me know what you think and if I should continue. Reviews are very important to me so the more I get the better.

Alanna Harris first arrived at the bay when she was 15 years old, but she wasn't known as Alanna Harris then, she was known as Alanna Lawson.

Alanna was the younger sister of Jude Lawson and the twin sister of Noah Lawson. She had managed to escape their crazy mother and follow her brothers to Summer Bay. She started off hiding out in an old caravan; Noah took her food and water regularly.

It wasn't until Alanna got sick that Noah eventually told Jude about Alanna's arrival, Jude agreed to take her in, little did he know the trouble she would cause.

Alanna instantly developed a relationship with Alex Poulos, this relationship blossomed over a few years and the couple eventually got married. Alanna fell pregnant shortly after the wedding and Alex wasn't happy about it. He didn't feel ready to have a family so young. This caused a lot of arguments between Alanna and Alex, Alex ended up turning to his old flame Brodie for comfort.

Alex realised he was still in love with Brodie and finally decided to end his marriage to Alanna, leaving her devastated. Leah and Alanna developed a strong friendship after Alex's departure. Leah was the one who supported Alanna through the break-up and then later on when Alanna went on to miscarry her baby.


Alanna and Hayley Smith also became the best of friend over the years. Alanna and Hayley supported eachother when Noah was killed.

Alanna continuously went from one meaningless relationship to another and clocked up quite a few exes along the way, the relationship that caused the most scandal was the brief fling she had with School boy Kim Hyde.


After her whirlwind romances Alanna finally left the bay for a year or so before returning and falling head over heels for newcomer Roman Harris, who she later went on to marry. During her time with Roman, Alanna formed a concrete relationship with both Nicole and Aden. She became almost like a mother to them both, Alanna left the bay around the time Roman was sent to prison. She was devastated when he refused to fight for his freedom, but promised to stay faithful to him and wait for him.

Alanna made a brief appearance for Belle and Aden's wedding then came back a few weeks later to help Aden deal with his grief over losing Belle. She stuck around for a while after that before finally returning to her life in the city, she moved there to be closer to Roman.


Although Alanna's life wasn't perfect she had spent the last couple of years working as a florist in her own shop. She had just got back from a holiday in Paris (she had been to visit Hayley and Scott and baby Noah) when it arrived, an envelope that was about to bring her entire world crashing down.

Ok so hope you all followed that, if you have and questions please pm me and I will answer them. The opening chapter will follow after this one and then judging by how much interest I get I will take it from there. So if you want me to continue please review.

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