Chapter 9

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Alanna's eyes skipped through all the scientific phrases and read straight through to the important part. Alanna froze as she read the bold black letters in the paper

These DNA test results show that Darryl Braxton…


These DNA test results show that Darryl Braxton IS the biological father of Alanna Lawson's unborn child.

Alanna was horrified as she read these words over and over again; she was shaking frantically and tears were streaming down her face.

"Shit" Brax exclaimed as he pulled Alanna into a tight hug "I can't believe this"

"This can't be happening" Alanna sobbed "Why does it have to be you?"

"I don't know but believe me I wish it wasn't" Brax sighed as he released Alanna from his tight hug.

"We should tell Heath what is going on" Alanna sniffed as she wiped her eyes on a tissue Brax had handed her.

"Yeah" Brax's reply was blank. It had finally hit him what was happening. His brothers girlfriend was pregnant with his child, things couldn't have got more complicated…or could they?


It had been almost 3 hours since Heath had left to go and sort out some business, Alanna was starting to get worried. Before she had chance to tell Brax her fears his phone rang in his pocket. He answered it quickly "I'll be right there" was all he said.

"Who was that?" Alanna wondered. Brax frowned he paused before telling her.

"That was the police station, Heath's been arrested for possession of a class A drug, with intent to supply" Brax explained to a horrified Alanna.

"What? Please tell me you are joking" Alanna cried, she knew Heath was into dodgy stuff but she never expected him to get arrested for it "I'm coming with you" she demanded as she grabbed her jacket off the bed and followed Brax to his Ute.

Brax didn't argue with Alanna he just allowed her to go with him.


As Brax and Alanna arrived at the police station Watson was just transferring Heath into a cell, Alanna rushed past Brax and threw her arms around Heath, he snuggled his head into Alanna's neck for a few seconds before Alanna was pulled aggressively away from him.

"Be careful will ya, she's pregnant" Heath spat furiously. Brax too was annoyed about the way the police had grabbed Alanna.

The police officer relaxed his grip gently "I'm sorry but you can't touch him" he explained as he let go of her. Alanna rubbed her arms and nodded.

"You'll be ok Bro, I've got Ritchie on this as we speak, I'll have you out of here by tomorrow" Brax reassured his Brother as the officer's dragged Heath away.

"Look after her for me yeah" Heath managed to say before disappearing behind the door. Brax nodded and moved closer to Alanna, he put his arm around her gently.

"He'll be ok" Brax smiled unconvincingly, if he was honest until he had spoken to Ritchie Brax didn't have a clue what would happen to Heath.

Alanna rested her head on Brax's chest and sighed deeply, this sight was too familiar for her. Being in the police station and watching Heath being dragged away like that reminded her too much of what happened with Roman "Come on I'll take you home" Brax said softly as he led Alanna out of the police station and towards his Ute.

Alanna was shocked when Brax pulled up outside his house "What are we doing here? I thought you were taking me home?" she snapped a little more than she meant too.

Brax just looked at her "After the scare on the beach this morning and what the doctor said about stress, I didn't think it was wise for you to be left on your own" Brax smiled. Alanna reluctantly agreed she didn't really want to be left on her own either.


Alanna spent the night in Heath's room; she had gone to bed wearing on of his t-shirts. As she headed into the kitchen to get herself a glass of water, she was a little shocked and embarrassed when she saw Brax sat at the table; he was wearing board shorts and a white t-shirt. The only thing she was wearing was black pants and Heath's Bobby Joe's t-shirt.

"Sorry I didn't realised you would be up" she said awkwardly as she drank the water she had poured herself. She grabbed the water jug and poured herself another one.

"Its fine" Brax replied with a cheeky grin. Alanna realised that Brax liked what he saw.

"I'm gonna take this back to bed" she said quickly as she hurried off back into Heath's bedroom.

Brax grinned widely as he watched Alanna disappear into Heath's room; he couldn't help looking at her for some reason. Brax had never noticed how hot Alanna was before. Maybe because he didn't know she was carrying his baby before.


Unfortunately for Alanna Heath was refused bail, which more than likely meant, he was facing quite a long stint in prison.

It had been 7 weeks since Heath was gaoled, Alanna had been spending most of her time in Angelo's helping Brax. It wasn't an ideal situation to be in but Alanna had come to the conclusion working with Brax was better than being sat at home alone all day.

It had been a busy dinnertime at Angelo's Alanna and Brax had finally got rid of the last few customers and had started to clean up. Alanna was clearing some tables and Brax was busy behind the bar.

As Alanna piled up some plates she was shocked to feel a funny sensation in her stomach, she dropped one of the plates suddenly causing Brax to look up.

"Allie" Brax exclaimed as he rushed over to her and put his hand on her arm. Alanna was holding her stomach "Are you ok?"

"Yeh, the baby's kicking" Alanna giggled as she looked up at Brax, Brax gently placed his hands on Alanna's stomach and felt it for himself "Can you feel that?"

"Yeh" Brax laughed as he held Alanna's stomach, he too could feel the baby moving around inside her "That's crazy" Alanna frowned at his comment.

"In a good way I mean" Brax said quickly correcting himself causing Alanna to smile lightly. Neither of them had noticed just how closely they were standing together, Alanna paused for a moment before looking up at Brax.

Brax looked down and straight into Alanna's eyes; they stayed like that for a few moments until Alanna quickly moved away "We'd better get cleared up before we re-open tonight" she said as she continued collecting the plates. Brax nodded and quickly returned to what he had been doing behind the bar.

Whether they wanted to admit it or not, both Brax and Alanna had felt a connection in those few moments when they felt their baby kick.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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