Chapter 5

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Surprisingly Alanna didn't feel nervous about her first shift at Angelo's, she had already met the staff and got a feel for the place before hand. So tonight was just the first night she would be getting paid to be there.

Brax took a deep breath as she watched Alanna approach him, she looked hot. She was wearing a pair of Black skinny jeans and a navy blue capped sleeved t-shirt. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun, with her fringe and a few strands of hair left the frame her face. She was also wearing a pair of Navy blue ballerina style pumps. Brax couldn't help but stare at this beautiful woman, even though she had been seeing his brother Brax couldn't ignore how attracted he was to her.

"Where do you want me?" Alanna asked as she put her bag behind the bar.

In my bed, Brax shook his head to clear his thoughts he was so glad he didn't say that comment out loud "Er…why don't you start by serving that table over there?" Brax said as he pointed towards a table full of business men. Alanna nodded and walked over to the table confidently.

"Good afternoon gentleman" She smiled as she handed the men some menus she had picked up on the way to the table "Can I get you anything to drink while you have a look at the menus" she asked politely. Brax watched her curiously as she jotted down some drinks orders. She walked back to the bar and gave Brax the order.

"What are you grinning at?" Brax wondered.

"Two drinks down" Alanna replied, Brax scanned the order and saw what was written underneath the first two drinks. It looked like a telephone number "I don't think you'll find that drink on our cocktail menu" Alanna smiled, Brax just laughed.


The Businessmen Alanna had been serving all afternoon had started to get a bit loud, Alanna was pretty sure she could handle them. As she cleared the table she was surprised to feel a hand grab her bum, she let out a squeal and dropped the tray of empty glasses. Brax rushed over to see what the problem was.

"I was just been friendly" The man was a little unnerved by Brax

"I don't call groping me being friendly" Alanna spat.

"He did what?" Brax couldn't control himself, he grabbed the man by his shirt, pulled him off his chair and pushed him up against the wall "You don't touch any of my staff, especially not her" Brax yelled. Alanna's eyes widened, what did he mean especially not me? Alanna thought to herself.

"I'm sorry mate I didn't realise she was your girlfriend" the man said weakly as he tried to fidget himself free. Alanna was stunned that Brax didn't correct the guy when he referred to her as Brax's girlfriend; but she was even more shocked that she hadn't corrected him herself.

"Now you and your friends are going to pay your bill and get out of here, do you understand?" Brax released the man and stepped away "Are you ok?" he said as he turned to Alanna, she was more shaken up by what she had just witnessed than the man groping her.

After Alanna's shift was over she headed straight back to The Sands to get ready for her date with Heath, he was taking her to Yabbie creek for a few drinks, as Alanna got ready for her shower she heard her phone beep Hey Beautiful I'll pick you up bout 8 ok? X The message was from Heath, she quickly text back before putting her phone back on the side and heading into the bathroom. She reached into the cupboard and pulled out her shampoo; as she pulled it out a box of Tampax fell out with it. Alanna paused as she stared at the box.

Alanna quickly got dressed, rushed into the kitchen and grabbed her phone again, she checked the date. Suddenly something dawned on her; she grabbed her bag and keys and rushed out of the door.


Leah was at work when she got a frantic text message from Alanna telling her to go to her place right away. Leah pulled up in The Sands car park and made her way to Alanna's door. The door was open a little when she got there.

As Leah opened the door she could see Alanna sat at the table staring at something in front of her. It wasn't until Leah got closer to her that she realised what it was. On the table was a little white and blue stick, it was a pregnancy test "Oh my god" Leah gasped as she saw the test was positive. "Maybe its mistake" Leah said as she sat beside Alanna.

"I doubt it" Alanna had now put 3 more tests on the table, each one of them had PREGNANT 4+ WEEKS written in the little result window.

"I'm pregnant Leah" Alanna started to cry, Leah quickly pulled Alanna into a tight hug. "It's all such a mess" Alanna cried as she thought about how far along she was. The fact that she was 4+ weeks only meant one thing; the baby was conceived on the day she had sex with both Heath and Brax, who the hell was the dad?

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