The pool

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* aliyah POV*

After Jaden finally let go of me we really started working on our project.  We were half way done so we just said we were gonna finish it tomorrow so I left.

Jaden: Wait before you you wanna meet my parents?

Aliyah: sure

we walked down the hall were the living room was and were his parents were.  I got nervous but I held it in.

Jaden: Mom dad this is aliyah

Jaden's parents stood up and shook hands with me.  They were really nice to me and gave me a warm welcome.

Dad: Nice to meet you aliyah beautiful young lady

Aliyah: Thank you nice to meet you both 

I think his parent liked me which is good cause I have a project with him again them imma have to get use to them

Mom: Do you want to stay for dinner?

Aliyah: I would love to but I have to be home before dinner but thank you Mrs. smith

Mom: no problem and call me jada

Aliyah: Ok jada well I guess i'll see you tomorrow

Will & jada: Ok bye

I walked out the door bout to get in my car till Jaden stopped me


Aliyah: Yea?

Jaden hugged me and kissed my cheek said bye and ran back in the house.  He so childes I was gonna hug him back but he ran in the house like a little kid haha but that kiss was good and soft and sweet.  Ussually I wipe the kiss people give me on my cheek but I left his kiss put. I got in my car and drove home. I went to my room put my bag down took a shower changed into pj's and went to bed.

**** The next day ******

I woke up early for some reason. I dont ussually wake up this early on a saturday but whatever.  I texted alexia and see if she wanted to go swimming today. She said she cant she going out of town for the weekend.  I knew sophia and mia couldnt come either cause they both have a jod at some daycare so I asked willow wanted to come and she said she can but Jaden have to come with her.  I kinda dont want him to come cause I wanted to be a girl's day out an I dont want him trying anything cause I still didnt trust him.  I got up and got ready to go.  I wore a see thru white shirt with my white bikini under it with white flip-flops and a big white sun hat and my black sun glasses and put my hair in a messy bun( bikini in the picture what she wore ).  I took a look in the mirror and notice my ass were just popping out in this bikini.  I havent wore this bikini for a little while so I went with it. I wore my white shorts so I wasnt walking around out the pool with just my bikini.  I meant willow and jaden at the pool.  I saw jaden laying down with his shirt off and swiming truncks on.  His sick pac were poppin out and I started biting my lips till he turned at saw me.  I quickly stopped till he already saw me.  I walked over and dropped my stuff off by the table willow and jaden had their stuff and jaden started to walk over by me. I saw him staring at me when I started to take off my clothes and into my bikini.

Jaden: skinny dipping?

Aliyah: haha nope

Jaden: I saw you staring at me 

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