The way to start a morning

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*Jadens POV*

I went over aliyahs house to celebrate with her family. On the way back home aliyah still looked worried. I wrapped my arm around her and she leaned in to me shaking alittle. I want to protect her with everything I have but I feel like its not enough. We got to her house and she greeted me to her father. I never met her father before but he looked more alike her father than her mom. She leaded me to the backyard porch and we sat on the big swing and wung back and forth talking. I kept my arm around her and she layed on my chest and we cuddle like that for a while. It was around 4pm and the celebration starts at 6pm givin me and aliyah time to spend alone

Aliyah: You think she gonna be there tomorrow

Jaden: I dont know but if she is she not gonna get to you

Aliyah: But what if she sends someone else to get me

Jaden: Im not letting anyone get to you ok

I started to get more serious with her cause I can tell the more she think about it the more she feared

Jaden: Aliyah stop worrying so much about it you have all of us and were not letting her getting away with this ok

Aliyah: Ok

She looked up at me and smile and I smiled back and kissed her forhead and we layed down on the swing and chilled till the celebration...

*The next day*

i woke up with a headache. I headed downstairs and went to the medicine cabnet. I took a tylenol and went to get dress for school. I wore my obey outfit ( the outfit in the picture ) and headed out to the car. Willow came out with an LA outfit and we headed to school. When I got there I saw a big crowd with kids and teachers and security around. Oh god. I got out the car and ran over to the crowd. I saw aliyah on the side crying and mya holding her. I couldnt see who or what was going on but I have a feeling its sophia or alexia or both getting at fiona. I ran over to aliyah and she looked so mad her face was red from crying and looked heated

Jaden: Babe whats wrong whats happening


My heart stopped for a second

Jaden: W..Who?!

Mya: Jason and fiona came up to aliyah and fiona hit aliyah and she swung back but alexia and sophia got at her and jason


Mya: Yea I try pulling alexia and sophia away but they to strong

Jaden: Wheres everyone else

Mya: I dont know I didnt see daniel or chris

I ran over to the big crowd and finally I saw chris and daniel running over from getting out there cars and security pulling away alexia and sophia and jason. Jason had a big black eye and a bloody nose and busted lip. Fiona was on the ground crying with footprints on her whole body and scratches on her face. Jason saw me and he smirk with made me real mad. I bet he came all the way from new york to here to get aliyah. Dont forget I never got to get my reveng back so this was the perfect time so I aimed right at him and punch his eye giving him another black. He try hitting me back but I threw him to the ground and threw more punches and blocking his hits. Chris and daniel pulled me away alittle after that and I walked back over to aliyah. Wow what a crazy way to start the morning. Before I got to aliyah a teacher grabbed my arm and pulled me to the princable room. I sat in there with alexia and sophia and then jason walked in and sat down a sit away from me. The princable came in and called our parents. If I told my mom what happen and why I hit jason she would probly hit him to and she knows the jason situation so she probly wont care I beat him up. Fiona was rushed to the hospital but she deserve it and hopfully that will stop her from her plan and we can get jason put away. Later a teacher walked in with aliyah and she went straight to the back room were the princable talk to the kids. Oh no.

March 18th ( Jaden smith love story )Where stories live. Discover now