Clearly raped

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*Aliyah's POV*

I was chillin on the couch in the living room watching tv and rubbing brownie( Brownie in the picture ). He was sleeping on my lap like a cute little baby. My phone started ringing. It was mike.

~ Phone convo ~

Aliyah - Hello?

Mike - Hey aliyah

Aliyah - Wassup

Mike - Micheals here

Aliyah - Whos micheal?

Mike - My son


Mike - Yea

Aliyah - But I thought she was due december 7th?

Mike - Yea but she had him early

Aliyah - awwww how she feeling

Mike - She good you wanna talk to her

Aliyah - sure


Megan - Hello

Aliyah - CONGRATZ BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Megan - Thank you!

Aliyah - Tell me about micheal

Megan - Hes 22 inches long and weight is 7 pounds 

Aliyah - awwwwww send me a pic!

Megan - Ok 

Aliyah - when are you going home

Megan - Uhhh friday I think

Aliyah - Oh ok well tell me when you get home and ill come see you and micheal

Megan - Alright bye hun

Aliyah - BYEEEEE

~ End of convo ~

I hung up and contiue to rub brownie and watch tv. My phone got a text and I opened it and it showed the cutest baby ever and it was from megan. awwwwwww micheal so tiny and cute!!!. I send the pic to alexia and told her that it was micheal. I got up from the couch and went in the kitchen with brownie. I looked at the clock and saw it was just 4 o clock so I thought to take a jog and get my mind off of stuff and move alittle cause I just been layin in the house. I went to my room and changed into jogging shorts and a sports bra. I grabbed my phone and earbuds and headed downstairs.




Mom: OK 

I slipped on my nikes, put my earbuds in my ears, turned my music on and went off running. I dont excercise alot as I use to cause we moved so I run more then I workout at home. I was running listening to Deja Vu by beyonce and then I pass by jason house. I saw a light on and I knew he moved back. I dont get what he wants from me so bad. Everywhere I go hes there and always here to start drama or trouble. I kept running and listening to my music all the way back home. When I got home I saw my mom in the kitchen cooking some good food. My mom is the cheif in this house she cooks the best food EVER homemade too. She cooks the best on holidays though. I took my shoes off and head upstairs to shower and change. I went to my room and put on some shorts and a tank top and head back downstairs to eat. The food wasnt all ready so I just went in the living room and played with brownie. He so small its kinda hard to play with him and not step on him but I didnt. Few minutes later dinner was ready and I fed brownie before I sat down to eat. Everyone was already sitting at the table and prayed before I could even sit down so i just prayed on my on and ate.

March 18th ( Jaden smith love story )Where stories live. Discover now