Almost the end

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* 3 days Later *

* Aliyahs POV *

Im on my way to see megan and mike and micheal today. I have been lazy these couple of days and in pain n fear. Till this day nobody knows that I got raped by jason. Not even jaden. Im kinda scared to tell I dont know why but I keep getting that feeling that something worse is gonna happen if I tell. Everyone is suspended from school till the 3 week of October ( its the first week of October ). Me and alexia our on our way to see the new baby and meet up with everyone else to hang at megans house. We got there and I saw jaden's car and sophia's. I was gonna give her a ride but she was closer to megan so she just went on her own. Me and alexia walked in the house and saw everyone in the living room surrounding micheal. He was so tiny and cute in his little blue outfit and his shirt says " I love mommy ". We hugged everyone and I got to hold micheal. He so light I was scared I would drop him so I gave him to alexia. I know this wasnt the perfect time to tell jaden about jason but I just needed to tell him cause I dont want to wait to long.

Aliyah: Um jaden can I talk to you real quick

Jaden: Yea sure

He got up and so did I and we walked into a hallway far away from the room. Not too far but far enough

Aliyah: Theres something serious..I need to tell you

He grabbed my waist and looked at me worried

Jaden: Tell me babe

Aliyah: Ummm J.. Jason he...he raped me

Jaden was shocked 

Jaden: How?!

Aliyah: He knows where I live jaden he has his ways of getting to me and this time he did and im afraid fiona will try to get to you Jaden

I started crying. Jaden pulled me in for and hug and rubbed my back

Jaden: Shhhh its ok its ok we'll deal with it

Aliyah: Yea but my parents dont even know

Jaden: Aliyah you have to tell your parents they probly could handle jason better than we can

Aliyah: - sigh - Your right but what if it causes more problems

Jaden: Lets just hope for the best ok

Aliyah: Ok

We hugged for a while and then headed back to the room with everyone else

Daniel: Everything cool?

Jaden: Not really

Alexia stood up

Alexia: What you mean?

Jaden looked at me and I stepped up and said it

Aliyah: I got raped...

They gasp and were in shock just like jaden was

Sophia: WHEN AND WHO?!

Aliyah: 3 days ago


Aliyah: Im sorry I was afraid

Alexia: Oh my god aliyah you know how dangers jason is you should of told us before so we can deal with it

March 18th ( Jaden smith love story )Where stories live. Discover now