Chapter 17

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A/N I'm so so so sorry it's been over a week since I last updated but I have really important exams coming up (in exactly three weeks) so I've really busy with school and homework and also my cousin and aunt were up at the weekend so I was out shopping for literally the whole weekend and couldn't update. Anyway I've reached 500 reads (504 exactly) and I'm so so happy, please continue to read and as a sort of thank you I'm going to try my absolute best to update this weekend, anyway hope you like this chapter comment/vote if you do please,

Claire x

I woke up still in Luke's arms. I looked around the room, Jai was in the kitchen area of their room. I managed to escape Luke's grip and get up without waking him. I walked toward Jai. "Morning" I said. "Hello, I see you and Luke were very comfortable last night, are you trying to take my twin brother away from me?" Jai asked. "Yeah, about that can you please not tell anyone else" I begged. "Why not, I approve of you going out, actually I'm pretty impressed that Luke even managed to get someone so nice" "am need I remind you you're twins?" "No but we're pretty different" "still, when you got Ariana, you're surprised he could get me?" I asked shocked and he nodded. "Anyway can you please keep it a secret for now anyway?" "But why?" He asked again. "I'm afraid that I'll be called a slut or something, breaking up with one guy and getting with another guy two days later" "well my lips are sealed, but for the record I'm pretty sure no one would call you a slut if they heard what George did" he smiled. "Thanks, but for now can you just keep it a secret?" I asked, just making sure he definitely would. "I promise I won't say a word" he said and I gave him a quick hug before going to change my clothes. By the time I was done Luke was up and was sitting on the couch eating cereal. Jai was on the bed listening to music so I went and sat beside Luke. "Hey" he said chirpily. "Hello" I replied. "Can we talk?" "Yep sure whats up Chrissy?" He asked. "It's sort of about us" I began and got his full attention. "I'm not sure if I'm ready to get into another relationship yet, I don't think I'm fully over George" I admitted. "Finally, she realises" Luke exclaimed. I looked at him with confusion. "I knew you weren't over him, I could tell by the way you looked at him yesterday after the show, it was like you want to give him a second chance but you're scared he'll cheat again" Luke explained. Could he read my mind before I could or something? I asked myself. That's exactly how I felt. "I'm so sorry Luke, I really do like you but I think we should at least wait until you're back again next week" I suggested and he nodded in agreement. "Well no matter what, or who you choose I'll always love you, as a friend and more, just remember that" he smiled. "I won't ever forget it" I smiled back and hugged him tightly.

Later that evening we got ready for going out after the results show. I didn't bother going to watch the show, but Jaymi promised to keep me informed, even though I was watching it on tv too. I wore a short dress. It had white lace on the top and a pink bottom which flowed outward slightly. I curled my hair and applied my makeup carefully, making sure I looked perfect. Jaymi rang me with brilliant news that they got through, despite being in the bottom two. Kyle also got through and I rang him to congratulate him.

"We're meeting Union J there" I called as I slipped on my comfy white wedges. "Everyone's ready, just waiting on Beau" James replied and I joined them at the door. "Beau come on, you're fine" I said and pulled him out the door.

"W-o-w" Beau began when he gathered himself as we walked towards the exit of the hotel. "Oi Luke, if you don't even try to get Chrissy as a girlfriend you're mad bro" he finished wide-eyed. I of course being me blushed a thousand shades of red. "Beau it's not happening, not now anyway, we've agreed to stay friends, right Chrissy" Luke smiled. "Right" I giggled as I jumped on his back for a piggy back, making sure my dress was still covering me. We got into the taxi and I told him where to bring us. Outside stood the four members of Union J which I greeted with a hug, George's still not as full on as the others. Before going inside we decided to take a group photo of the ten of us. We stood in line, me between Luke and George, what a coincidence. We asked a random person who was passing to take the photo and Josh uploaded it to twitter mentioning us all in the tweet. "Photo?" Luke smiled at me, his phone in his hand. "Why not" I replied and he gave his phone to Jai who took the photo. He had his arm protectively around me in it. "That shall go on my wall so that I'll be always able to see you at home" he smiled again at the photo. "You know we can Skype or FaceTime whenever, but send me a copy of it too" "I know, but with time difference it might not always be as easy as it sounds, and I sure will" he replied as we followed the others inside. I spent most of the night dancing and of course drinking, but somehow I always seemed to end up between Luke and George, it was like fate was telling me I had to choose between them, I couldn't lead either one of them on. The more I thought about it, the more confused I got and found myself being dragged onto the dance floor be a very drunk Beau and Josh.

When the night ended I returned to the hotel with nine fairly tipsy boys. I said goodnight to Union J, Beau, James and Daniel then made my way to the room I shared with Luke and Jai. They went straight to bed but I was too awake to sleep. I still hadn't forgotten the choice I had to make. I sat at the table and thought about it. Luke was obviously the right choice, he was funny, caring, kind everything, and I love him, but for some reason I can't say bye to George. Yes he cheated and yes I hate him for it but I love him too. I took out my phone and looked at pictures of me with Luke and of me with George. I smiled at every one that I saw. Both boys mean so much to me and I can't bare to disappoint either of them. I know they both love me, but I can only be in a relationship with one. I suddenly felt the presence of someone behind me. "You ok?" Jai asked and sat beside me. I shook my head slightly. "What do I do Jai? I love them both" I whispered. "Go with your heart, both of them will understand if you choose the other, and if they don't they never really loved you. If they can't be happy to see you happy then you're better off without them." He replied. Jai seemed to always understand exactly what I was thinking and gave good advice. "Oh and don't forget, by choosing one boy you're not forgetting the other, you can still be friends just without the romance and sex and stuff" he added. "Alright Jai you can stop there I get what you mean" I blushed slightly with embarrassment. "And besides sometimes it's better to have a girl as a friend rather than a girlfriend, things don't get as complicated" he truthfully admitted and I had to agree it was the same with boys sometimes. "Anyway I'm going to bed, don't worry too much about it, everything works out in time" he smiled and began getting up from the table. "I'm going to bed now too, thanks for listening to me and the advice about the friend is pretty useful" I smiled joining him as we walked to where the beds were. "Anytime" he replied and I hugged him before going to bed.

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