CHAPTER 1: The Night I Got knocked Up

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3 years ago.

Ok now I'm mad. Where the hell is she?! She dragged me here with her boyfriend and lefted me to the hands of these thirsty bastard. And it's a bloody school night.

"Hey sexy,why are you here all alone?" A man from behind me said, I could tell he was drunk because vodka was evident on his breath. I turned around to look at him and was immedeatly disgusted.

"Oh nothing I'm just here, trying to aviod sickos like you" I said wishing I was home with my literature book now.

" let's get out of here and let me show you how sick I really am" he said pushing an attempt to be sexy.

" I'm glad you know how disgusting you are." I said pinching my nose. His breath was horrid!

"Yea, so now I want to reccomend you to my bed" he said coming closer to me.

" no thank you but I can certainly reccomend you to colgate

" Hey who do you you think you're talking to" he said gritting his teeth.

" The guy standing infront of me with the assed breath, I think you know him he look just like you" I said I saw his eyes darken and he harsly gripped my thigh.
" Hey hands off the fucking merchandice you creep!" I yell.
God my mouth is gonna get me killed one day.

" Listen here you-"

"The lady said to let her go" a deep sexy voice said from behind me.

"Stay over there buddy and let me handle my wife" creepy said..... wait WIFE!!

"Ok fuck no!! Who in their right mind would marry you... I'm only gonna say this once more... let . Me. Go." I said in a venomous voice.

"Let her go now" the voice boomed from behind me. Creepy was startled and let me go instanly but me I was wetter than rain.

"Look man just leave us be, I just want a quick fuck you can get her after"
The faceless stranger made an audiable sigh before I heard creepy screaming in pain.

"Get the fuck out of here you thirsty bitch before I break something else" the stranger said. Creepy had a busted lip and a bloody nose,he held his left arm in complete agony. He looked at me one last time before limping out the club.
I brought my silver eyes to the strangers brown ones.

"Are you ok?" The intensly sexy black stranger said.

"I'm fine. Thank you so much for helping me" I said totally eye rapping. His suit stuck to his body like a second skin,his six pack were just dieing to be shown.

"Good,you really shouldn't be alone in clubs like these" he said taking the free stool next to me,he took off his jacket and flexed his muscled, he ordered some whiskey and waited patiently for his drink.

"Nathinel Spencer" he said holding his hand out for mine. I hesitantly placed my hand in his. I felt a small shock and pulled my hand away quickly.

"It's ok I don't bite" didn't he feel that? He flashed me a stunning smile that made my breath hicthed.

"Ah-shit- Echo Wills" I said. I hated my name but my mother refuses to change it.

"Well its a pleasure to meet you my beautiful Echo" he said placing a faint kiss on my hand. I felt tingling on that very spot after he released my hand.

"So beautiful why are you here all alone" he asked before thanking the bartender for his drink.

"Well I'm not actually alone. My friend abandoned me..... yea I'm definitely alone." I rambled and he only smiled at me.

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