michael ~ games or girlfriend?

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you and your boyfriend michael hanging out after like 3 days of not seeing each other but when you came into his room [bc his mom already let you in] he was playing some online video game. now, around 3 hours later he is still sitting in front of his beloved console staring at the little computer screen in front of him. sometimes when he lost a game he would be screaming and swearing and when he won he would be laughing but besides that you didn't really talk much except for some random questions like 'how was your day?' and 'have you listened to that new song from xy?' here and there and for the past hour he hasn't even looked you in the eyes once so when he was asking you another question you just didn't reply. after michael repeated his question several times he stopped in the middle of his game, put his controller away and walked over to his bed in which you were laying and since you weren't paying attention to what he was doing, michael took away your phone and while you were complaining about him taking away your phone he just laid down on top of you. then he came so close to your face that his nose touched yours and you could feel his warm breath on your full lips. looking in your eyes he asked why you wouldn't answer him and why you were mad at him and after you told him how you felt about him caring more about some stupid ass game than you and neglecting you he just put his lips on yours and kissed you to show that what you've just said couldn't be more wrong and after the both of you took away because you needed to catch your breathes again michael would have promised you that he would never treat you like that again and up to this day he makes sure to give you 110 percent of his attention whenever you are around him because you are his whole world and he just wants the very best for his little sunshine, the love of his life anD OMG I NEED A MICHAEL IN MY LIFE

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