Chapter 3.

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"Finally today is over" I said to Sophie who's more or likely in a trance from her phone but to my surprise she answers. "Yeah, me too. This guy Christian would NOT leave me alone today like I know you have a big crush on me dork but you don't have to be creepy about it!" I laugh at how ironic this situation for her was because she was doing the same thing to Derek Jones, also known as 'the hot new nurse'. "Anyways he bought me these really nice stilettos!" She said looking down admiring the black laced high heels.

"You know you're only encouraging him if you continue accepting his gifts, right?" I said walking out the main doors and to my car. "I know, but I couldn't say no I've been waiting for these for like EVER" she says dramatically. Before I can say my opinion she speaks "hey I'll text you later I'm going to stay after school for a bit, I need to finish my report for English." she says with a small smile.

"Are you sure it's not for Dr. Jones?" I say knowing that she never stays after even when it's needed. "Maybe, maybe not." She says shrugging.

"You know he's like thirty something right?" I say.

"Yeah but-"

"And what happened about 'not being creepy when having a big crush on someone" I smirk.

"It's just- im not- okay leave me alone! I'll see you tomorrow" she says walking off and I take that as a cue to start walking as well.

The feeling is back.

I stop walking. Shivers run down my spine as I feel the familiar feeling of being watched for the second time today, except more definite. I looked around the school parking lot, not for anything specifically, but something out of place. Maybe it's just my head.

I climb into my car and start the engine. I stay there for a couple of moments looking around one more time. I must be going crazy. Shaking my head I put the car in 'Drive' and make my way home still feeling uneasy.

After a fifteen minute drive I finally arrive home free from the odd feeling and rush to my room. Flopping on my bed I let out an exhausted sigh. "Finally home" I say smiling into my pillow.

Flipping my body around I grab my remote from my nightstand and turn on the T.V. I change the channels for what feels like the thousand time and stop when something catches my eye on the local news channel.

"Witnesses have said that they heard banging but assumed it was just another fight. When the time came for Johanna to pick up her kids and she did not come it concerned the nieghbor. Let's hear it from the witness themselves." Another gang murder case. My fists clenched as they lay by my side. Why would they kill innocent people for money? They have kids! The camera view switched to a small black woman around her early forties and listened.

"Well when Johanna didn't come I got worried and told the kids to stay in the apartment. I looked through the peep hole just in case they was out there and I saw three men walk out of her apartment each was wearing a black mask that covered their mouth and nose but not their eyes. They were all wearing hoodies but in a different color, black, blue, and dark grey. Also, one was holding a medium sized bag with God knows what. After they turned the corner I quickly ran to her house and that's when I saw her laying on her bed. It was terrible her blood was everywhe-" I turned the T.V. off. The feeling of the food I had eaten earlier today at school come up my throat. I ran to my toilet throwing up everything. The picture they had put up showing the crime scene brought the image of my father to my head causing me to throw up even more.

After a few minutes of throwing up my guts, I finally calmed down and sat in front of the toilet bowl to catch my breath. A few tears were let out as I thought about how those kids will be put in an orphanage now that they're mother was gone.

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