Chapter 4.

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"-it is mostly appreciated by its beauty or its emotional power. Art is the expression of human creative skill and imagination. It's not what you see, but what it makes you feel. It can be expressed by drawing, painting, sculpting, and even literature, music, photographs and dance." Ms. Thomas says with much enthusiasm in her voice.

I rest my cheek on my hand and look out of the window to the left of me and adore the view of the many trees from below and the mountains in the background. My mind wonders off to Justin and his sudden interest in me. What is he planning? Honestly, first it was the weird smile in the morning and then being asked to watch him play? This is no where near normal. Justin is just not that type of person, he would never just walk up to a random person and personally invite them to see him play. It just doesn't make sense!

"I hope you guys have started on your project remember it can be the simplest things like having to different cultures together. I'm going to be going around class to see who need help. Begin." And with that everyone started moving to sit with they're friend or to start their work.

I take a glance at Harry who is scrolling his through his phone and next to him Lucas who is biting his nails and trying to take a peek at Harry's phone causing Harry to tilt his phone away from Lucas. Nosey. I'm confused on why he chose Lucas over me, it's not like I'm jealous I just don't understand why you want to sit next to a creepy kid.

The rest of school passes by painfully slow and now I was siting in the court yard after school waiting for Sophia.

"Alright, I'm here." Sophia breathes out. "Did you rush here?" I laugh. "No these new boots are making my feet hurt." She whines.
I laugh at her because this always happens but she never learns. 

The sound of a motorcycle starts and I find Harry putting on his helmet and his gloves then drives off. "Of course." I sigh. How cliche. "What?" Sophie says looking back and forth between Harry and I. "Nothing."

"Can we go now?" Sophia asks "yeah, sorry." And we walk to my car. "You really need to talk to him. Have you even said thank you to him for saving your life?!"

"Soph, you act like I was going to die." I say starting up my car and driving off. "You could have!"

"Shut up" I said rolling my eyes. "Did you say thank you at least?" She ask again "No I didn't, obviously." I huff. "You need to, you don't know what Frankie could have done."

"I know. anyways" I say changing the subject. " I went on a run yesterday"

"How does this relate to your 'Knight-in-shining-armor" Sophia cuts me off.

"And I ended up accidentally falling asleep in this weird place I found." I continued.

"Emma you're going to get you're self in a bunch of trouble if you continue doing reckless things like that!" She says shaking her heard.

"I know, but this random guy woke me up."

"Again, reckless." She rolls her eyes. "Did you see what he looked like?"

"No, it was late and all I could see was that he was tall, skinny and had curls, literally the only light I had was from the moon."

"Did you get his name?"

"Do think if I would have gotten his name I would have said it instead of 'random guy'." Once again I roll my eyes. "Geez,I was just asking."

"Common sense, Soph" I said glancing at her then back at the road.

"what did he do? just wake you up and thats it?"

"Yeah -well we talked for a bit, if that counts."

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