Chapter 1.

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*Emma's POV*

"Mom i'm leaving!" i call out running down the stairs towards the kitchen where i knew she was most likely at. I walk in and sure enough there she is serving my little brother, benji (4), breakfast which always consist of one pancake drenched in syrup, two bacons and a cup of apple juice. i grab an yogurt drink from the fridge and give a quick kiss to my mom and brother.

"I'll see you both later, I love ya!" I say walking toward the front door.

You might be wondering about my dad. The story is: he was shot and killed two months before Benjamin was born, my mother was sickly depressed after that, hardly a person after that. The criminal who shot him was never found and the case turned cold; the only real piece of evidence shared was the perpetrator suspected to be affiliated with a gang.

I don't really talk about him a lot because I know that my mom still misses him. They had this relationship that I always envied. They were the type of people who made out like a new born couple despite who was with them. Whether it had been my friends and I, or my family; their love for each other was so strong and beautiful but it taught me that the quote "nothing gold can stay" is in fact very true. It seemed like the honeymoon phases never ended, not until dad passed.

"Have a good day at school!" My mother called out as usual. i grab my keys from the hook and head out towards my baby, aka my white 2015 Toyota Corolla, to pick up my 'usual' at the cafe which was about five to ten minutes away from the school and fifteen minutes from my house.

When I pull in, I park under a tree for shade and kill the engine. i walk in to cafe and the smell of coffee took over my sense.

"Emma! Goodmorning" That would be Mr.Jeffrey, he owns the cafe.

"Goodmorning Mr.Jeffrey" i say with a smile.

"You want your usual?" he said already typing it into the machine.

"Yes please" i smile, grabbing the receipt from his hand, and move to sit a table to wait for my coffee.

I look around the small cafe admiring the old style decor. Most people would say only old people come here due to the fact that elderly couples are filling the tables. I smile at one couple who sat at the table on my left and continue to look around.

"Coffee for Miss Emma" Mr.Jeffrey's voice rang on the intercom. I walked to front and grabbed my coffee, "looks like you're not the only youngster to come here anymore." Mr.Jeffrey grins while handing me my warm drink. i look around confused and spot a figure in the far back corner.

I turned back to face Mr.Jeffrey, " thats good more people should try this place maybe they'll like it as much as i do" i said smiling.

"that would be nice -"Our conversation is interrupted by loud voices coming from outside the cafe.

"Its those damn rowdy boys again, trouble, that's all they bring! Be careful on your way out sweetheart and have good day at school." he calls out giving me a small wave and his signature warm smile.

I walk out of the cafe and quickly towards my car when I'm rudely stopped by a male hand on my forearm. "Hey missy where's you're fine ass going" it's Frankie and his 'gang'.

I make an attempt to shrug off his hand but fail. "Not today Frankie." I say annoyance clear in my voice. "Awe come on Johnson, you know you want me." He says a crooked smirk covers the bottom half of his face.

I scoffed "You're so full of your self."

"Aye, maybe I can fill you up too baby, if you know what I mean" his eyes raked my body up and down then ends it with a wink.

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