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Thanks to yadirsy_ for the awesome cover above!


In life you'll realize that everything has a value, and everyone has feelings. You know that bracelet you wear on wrist, the one that reminds you of your loved one, the one that passed one, what if that was gone... ripped away from you? Or if a girl is showing too much skin. What's wrong with that? Nothing, the girl is just proud of her body. God know's how long she's been working out to get like that, or if she was born with a fabulous body, either way let her be happy. As long as it doesn't affect you in any psychical way, it shouldn't be your concern. At all.

Carolyn fell into the boy's arms. Him hugging her so hard that she could barely breathe. "It's okay. I know it's bad right now. But it'll soon be better, I promise." He whispered running a hand through her hair as she cried. "I'm here now."

The door was sent open for the second time as doctors and nurses came rushing in, pulling the boy away from Carolyn. He held onto each finger of Carolyn's until he couldn't anymore and they pinned her down on a bed and wheeled her away. Away from the only person who understood her.

"What the hell are you doing!" One of the doctor's yelled at the boy. "She isn't your patient and you shouldn't be on this side of the Rehabilitation."

"I heard something breaking so I ran here. With all due to respect sir if I hadn't had come in she would've stabbed herself with-" The doctor cut the boy off.

"But she didn't!"

"Yeah, because I saved her!"

"Get out Charlie." The doctor shouted. The boy turned around and walked out, because if he hadn't then he would get suspended from his job.

And right now he couldn't get suspended because he had to take care of that girl. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and he didn't plan on staying away from her because he knew how much she needed him. And fate would only have to do it's job with them.

They gave Carolyn a shot to calm her down so that the doctor's could study her mind. It'd been an hour since the last time they touched her, she remained looking up at the ceiling her eye's never daring to blink when finally nurses began to fill her head with plugs.

They searched for everything and anything, but they didn't find anything. Because there was nothing wrong with her. So what was The problem with Carolyn?

"There's nothing wrong with this patient. We have no diagnosis. Depression yes but this isn't where she would be. She should be getting therapy..." One of the doctors said scratching their head. He searched and searched but nothing was wrong, they found that she was depressed yeah, but so are many people. That didn't give them the right to hold them hostage.

There was nothing wrong with Carolyn. So what really was the problem? Only she knew. And she was ready to say it, she was ready to tell the truth about Andy.

"I have to tell you something." She said, her voice soft and fragile. "The truth."


I wrote this while on some NyQuil so sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm sick af and well yeah. Checkout my new story Welcome to Wonderland, were it's plot is crazy and Disney character's will appear. So far I've gotten good feedback, so give it a shot eh? :)

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