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The most emotional chapter of all has arrived. Get your box of tissues now please, because the ending of this chapter is what you all have been wanting and not wanting at the same time. The ending. I cry. 


Andy stared at Carolyn. A tension rising between the two. Carolyn was biting her lips, her hands shaking. 

"That house you live in. My sister used to live there, it was until one night...we were in the kitchen making cookies, I was eight and she twenty-three, we heard a strange noise coming from the living room. At first we thought it was just the TV or something but it wasn't, someone was breaking in." Andy looked down at his quivering hands as he tried to fight back the tears that were rolling half way down his cheek.

He continued. "It was these three guys, they were all wearing these black masks, one guy had a gun and the other two had knives. Our eyes widened and immediately she pulled me close to her, hugging me so tight I could hear her heart pumping against her chest. Thump. Thump. Thump. One of the guys yelled for me to step away and that if I didn't he would shoot her, so I did as he said. When I stepped back..." He paused for a second. "One of the guys took me and slammed me against the wall." 

"My sister tried to fight her way to me but one of the guys wrapped his arms around her stomach and swung her back. They pushed everything off the kitchen counter everything falling to the ground, the cookie mix spilling all over the floor and placed my sister on top. She was screaming for me to go, to leave, but I couldn't. I just stood there, scared, afraid like the coward I was as they...they tore her clothes apart and rapped her." 

Tears ran down both their cheeks. "Andy..." Carolyn said her voice soft and barely audible. Andy put his hand over her mouth and continued. 

"You look so much like her. You look so much like her that I hate you for it, I can't stand looking at you. Every time I look at you I think of her and the way she looked at me when she was crying for me to leave and get help, but I didn't. If I did any of those things to you it was because I wanted to push the thought away and the only way of doing that was by becoming like those guys." He said. "By becoming evil by, by, becoming them. I didn't want to cause harm, I didn't want to hurt you the way that I did I just wanted to do something that made me forget about that night." 

"That's why you raped me. That's why you pushed me down the stairs, I had nothing to do with her, and Andy believe me, I feel truly bad for what happened but I have nothing to do with that. You becoming like these guys is the last thing you should've done." Carolyn snapped in low tone. 

"I'm not done!" He yelled. "You see these marks on my back, these bruises? My father did them, he beat me for not saving her, he blamed me for something I didn't have control over. When I had snapped into reality, and actually saw my sister bare naked with three guys hovering over her body as if she was prize, I ran towards the door and then a shot was fired...and then another one.

They killed her. And Because of me." He shouted.

Carolyn stood quiet.

"So yeah, I had to do those things to you. It was the only way I felt like a man. Because I'm not one, I'm a coward. You see me walking through halls like I own everything, like I'm the hottest guy, but no, that's now what I am. I'm a coward, I'm a jerk, I'm a fucking screwed up kid! My dad? He reminds me of those things everyday! My mother? She hates me, and she makes sure of telling me so, it's gotten to the point where I had smacked her for it." 

"After the incident my father comes how late every day drunk and my mother is sick of it, you're mother puts up with his bullshit for the money and no other reason. My mother is forgetting everything, she keep forgetting to take her meds and when she doesn't take them her memory is blur and everything she once knew is blurry. I think that's my she doesn't take them. My brother hates me, he doesn't talk to me because I let three men kill our sister. I didn't put up a fight."

"So sorry If I've made your life a living hell Carolyn, my heart, my heart is just broken, and because of it I had to break another heart to not feel alone." Andy said.

From a small distance away both Carolyn and Andy heard police sirens and a helicopter flying above them. Carolyn wiped the tear away from her cheek and smiled. "I'm glad to know this, but I can't. I can't go back home, I can't go back home and not feel different after you telling me this, I cannot go back home and have people staring at me. I can't."

Carolyn opened the door to the car and ran towards a cliff, her bare feet burying themselves in the sand. Below was rocks and the ocean. The smell of the salty water filled her nostrils as the wind pushed her hair back, her tears fading. 

"Carolyn what are you doing." Andy called,  his hand over his bloody stomach as he tried to walk towards Carolyn. But he barely had force to do so. 

"It's beautiful." Carolyn responded looking down at the ocean, she took a step forward. She was so close to ending her life that if she took one more step, she'd be dead. "I want my life to be like this...beautiful!" 

"Carolyn..." Andy said. Cop cars came to the scene and soon they were behind Andy. Many people were staring at the girl who was about to jump to her death. But no one did anything, just like nobody said anything when Andy bullied her openly. 

Carolyn looked down at the beautiful blue water crashing against the rocks and slowly lifted up on foot. Causing everyone's heart beating to accelerate. "Carolyn, please you don't want to do this. You don't want to go back to that place? Fine, you won't. All this time I've been hurting you, all this time I've been tormenting you when all this time I should've been loving you. I regret it all, I do! You saved me, you let me open up to you, you, you are my light and it took hell for me to realize that. Please, please don't leave me after I've just found my light. Please." 

And with one single step forward, Carolyn's life would end. But is this really the ending? Or is this only the beginning?

Carolyn looked back at Andy and gave him a slight smile, one that required effort. She was tired of putting work into everything, she was really tired. She blinked a tear away, the run rising and reflecting on her beautiful hazel eyes as the wind blew against her face. "I'm sorry, but everyone keeps telling me what to do, and finally I have the ability to do something that I wan't." 

Carolyn spread her arms apart, lifted up on foot and before she knew it she jumped. And the last thing she heard was Andy crying for her. We're all mad here, it's only the things we do that say a lot about what we can control and what we can't. 

Because we are humans. And humans hurt. So what was The Problem With Carolyn? Not Andy, but herself. Because we humans tear ourselves down with the things we can't have, and sometimes, taking our lives is the answer. The key to happiness. This was Carolyn's story, and nothing was ever the same afterwards.

T H E  E N D

Thank you guys so much for sticking with me through this really, really emotional story! I can never thank you enough for that ride that this was. And I'm so sad right now that I don't even know what to say, Carolyn was my favorite character, she was strong, and courageous and just human. 

I don't know if you guys would want to do this but, if you want to write a one-shot then go ahead. I'll post another chapter explaining things and the one-shot competition. I love you guys, thank you for sticking with Carolyn's story! <33

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