Balance between us 2: Landing on a beautiful planet

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When in cryo you don't dream. Its just black. An never ending darkness. Well until you wake up. The brightness caused me to squint as someone untied me, "rise and shine sweetheart were here." A deep baritone told me as I glanced at the man holding me steady so I wouldn't float to far. He smiled at me before moving on to the next person. Slowly I floated to my locker, opening it and grabbing my bag as someone bumped into me from the side.

"Sorry bout that, I'm still a bit out of it." The man told me with a smile, he then stuck his hand out to me. "I'm Jake Sully by the way." The way he smiled reminded me of Ryujis, mischievous, playful and full of curiosity like a child. Yet mature as well.

Gripping his hand in mine I nodded with a small twitch of my lips "Suzaku Tsukiyomi, the pleasure is all mine Jake." He nodded and we stuck together as we got ready to leave for the planets surface. I changed into sweatpants and a soccer jersey of the 21st century design, the number 14 and Chicharito on the back, With black shoes .

"Exo packs on! The air on pandora will knock you unconscious in 20 seconds and your dead in 4 minutes! I do not want to write a death on my report!" Our instructor shouted and everyone put on the exo packs as the ship landed on they all stood marching out as me and Jake stayed seated. Once they were off he moved onto his wheel chair and we moved off. "Hurry up special case, kid!" The instructor shouted, I shot him a glare but followed behind Jake silently. He stopped letting a giant dozer pass, arrows lodged into the tires. 'They must of pissed off the natives.' I assumed smirking. After it passed I followed Jake ignoring the cat calls a few men gave. Once inside we took a seat in the cafeteria at the back so Jake would be just fine moving. Scarface gave us a lecture of pandora, telling us that it was worse than hell, more dangerous and deadly. He would not succeed in keeping everyone alive. 'Yeesh I wish you were here to listen to this nut job otouto, you'd be cracking jokes with me left and right.' Scarface walked up the isle, stopping in front of me.

"I hope that all of you understand especially the children among us," he sneered the word children as he looked at me with narrowed eyes. So to piss him off I did the one thing that came to mind.

I laughed.

Not loud enough for everyone to hear only for Jake the big guy and 2 others. "Let us see who shall need protection. You or me?" Jake looked at me wide eyed, either I had guts or I was mentally insane to him. Everyone began standing and leaving by now giving us a chance to escape the evil mans clutches. Once we were away Jake laughed as he rolled himself down the hall at my side, only stopping to look at me with a mischievous smirk.

"You've got to be crazy Suzaku! Talking back to Quartch. And then laughing at him." This caused him to chuckle a bit more with me joining him this time.

"I was taught not to fear anyone as a child, I only did as my little brother would have if I were here." He nodded at my explanation, stopping when someone called his name, we both turned to look at the tall lanky man rushing toward us. Avoiding people as best as he could to get to us, though he did bump into many before reaching us. A nervous smile crossing his lips as his eyes darted between Jake and I. "Hey, I'm Norm your brother and I went through avatar training together." His attention turned to me then, his mouth slightly open " oh god.... You look so much like Ryuji....your Suzaku I take it then? Ryuji could never stop talking about you when we were training, even Tom wanted to meet you."

Rubbing the back of my head uncomfortably I nodded looking off to the side, the mention of Ryuji making my heart ache. " Sorry, my otouto only talked about Tom, but he might have mentioned you..." I told him shuffling closer to Jake.

"Why don't we go to where were suppose to head?" Jake broke in breaking the awkward tension. Nodding we followed Norm down the hall, so many people walked around us, many soldiers and scientist as well. Bright blue caught my eye, looking into the room I noticed the things holding our avatars, Jakes was the first I saw, it was gigantic and twitched every few seconds its eyes moving beneath the lids. I heard a man walk up behind me and spoke to Jake and Norm, introducing himself as Max Patel then pointed out the things holding my avatar and Norms as well.

Looking at its face I noticed how much it looked like Ryuji it even had that lighter spot on the forehead, in the formation of a crescent moon. Ryuji had it since birth I did as well but it was on my shoulder. "It looks like him. Except its a girl version instead." I admitted out loud as I trailed my fingers on the outside.

"It's made of the Na'vis DNA and yours as well as Ryujis. It seems as though your avatar is about Jakes height, taller than most females." Max informed from his spot next to Jake.

"Grace Augustine is a legend. She's the head of the Avatar Program. She wrote the book, and I mean literally wrote the book, on Pandorian botany," said Norm, sounding excited.

"That's because she likes plants better than people," said Max, making me laugh.

Just then, a PLU opened and a redheaded woman in her early fifties with a strong face and fiery personality sat up, popping her neck came out and started yelling, "Who's got my goshdarn cigarette? Guys, what's wrong with this picture?"

"And here she is, Cinderella back from the ball. Grace, I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman, Jake Sully and Suzaku Tsukiyomi."

Grace ignored Jake and me. "Norm, I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi?"

"May the All Mother smile upon our first meeting," he said, in Na'vi.

Grace nodded approvingly, but she still had a criticizing look on her face. "Not bad. You sound a little formal."

"I studied for five years, but there is much to learn," said Norm.

"Grace, this is Suzaku Tsukiyomi and Jake Sully."

"Yeah, yeah, I know who two you are," she said, giving both of us disapproving looks. " I don't need you. I need your brothers." She looked at Max. "You know, the PhD's who trained for 3 years for this mission."

"My brothers dead. I know it's a big inconvenience to everyone, but there's nothing to be done about it," I said, sharply in perfect Na'vi. This surprised everyone. While Ryuji had done Avatar training, he'd enlisted my help in learning the language as languages was my main forte. I inwardly smirked at the looks on their faces.

"You speak the language, well that's good," said Grace. "But how much lab training have you had?"

"I studied human anatomy for 3 years and dissected a frog once," I said. This was the honest truth, but it didn't make her happy.

"I dissected a frog once." Jake put in his worth.

Grace glared at Max and then stormed off. "You see? You see? They're pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain. I'm going to Selfridge."

"Grace, that's, uh, not a good idea!" Max yelled.

I sighed as Max gave Jake and I a pained look.

"Here, tomorrow at 0800. Try to use big words," he said. "Just give her a little time. She'll come around." He then walked away and Norm led me and Jake to the room we'd be sharing. Jake got the bottom bunk on my side while Norm picked the top bunk alone on the other side of the room. I threw my bag into the corner near the closet and jumped on my bed, laying back and quickly falling asleep.

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