Balance between us 4: first day of training

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We ran across large root across a mirror-like pool at the base of a waterfall. I followed the woman as I climbed a sloped root-trunk, "What's your name?" Jake asked.

Just then, I heard two whooshing sounds and felt something wrap tightly around my legs and I fell off the root, falling into the foliage at the bottom on my knees, unlike Jake who landed on his side. I ripped the rope thing off my legs and was about to pull out my sword when several Na'vi riders thundered towards us on six-legged, gilled and armor skinned Direhorses.

The riders aimed arrows and spears at me as they approached. I turned to run, but more Na'vi seemingly came out of thin air, heavily armed. Oh, crap.

The woman dropped to the ground next to me and confronted the lead rider in a powerful voice.

"Calm, people, calm! Tsu'tey, what are you doing?" She hissed.

Tsu'tey mounted off his Direhorse with grace and yelled back at her. "These demons are forbidden here!"

"You will not harm them! There has been a sign from eywa! This is a matter for the Tsahik!" She growled.

Tsu'tey looked displeased, but backed off. "Bring them," he said.

Before I could protest, they grabbed me by my hands and my long braid, and started dragging me off to the biggest tree I'd ever seen. To my surprise, we actually went inside the tree. It was like a cathedral with the long spires and beauty.

The villagers' number was beyond counting and they kept chatting and gently poking me and Jake as We were led to the center of the tree and three important-looking Na'vi. An older male stood there and the male who confronted us moved to stand at his side. The woman bowed slightly before she spoke in Na'vi.

"Father, I See you," she said.

The one I assumed was females father walked around me and Jake before turning back to his daughter. "These creatures, why do you bring her here?"

"I was going to kill them, but there was a sign from Eywa," said Neytiri.

"I have said that no Dreamwalker will come here. Their alien smell fills my nose." He said.

"What's he saying?" Jake asked, his eyes looking everywhere as he moved slightly in front of me.

"My father is deciding wether or not to kill you both." Neytiri said glancing back for a few seconds.

I saw Jake swallow hard and moved forward with his hand out, "It's nice to meet-" I cut him off as he stepped forward, grabbing the back of his shirt ad pulling him behind me as most of the people pointed spears at us. I hissed at them getting. A few surprised looks as my ears flattened against my head.

Great, he was deciding if he was going to kill me or not. Just great. I tried to speak in Na'vi. "Your Highness, We mean you no harm. I-"

"Silence!" shouted several Na'vi as they grabbed me. They let me go when the older female, probably Neytiris mother walked towards me.

"Stop!" she ordered. "I will look at this alien."

"That is Mother, Mo'at." said Neytiri, softly. "She is Tsahik, the one who interprets the will of Eywa."

I wondered who 'Eywa' was, but I didn't ask. Mo'at walked around me, then Jake. She fingered my braid and flipped my tail as she narrowed her eyes at me. In perfect English, she said, "What are you called?"

"Suzaku Tsukiyomi," I replied.

"Jake Sully." Jake said after me.

She took out a sharp thing and quickly swiped a bit of my blood. I didn't flinch or wince, having learned never to show pain to anyone. It was a sign of weakness in the eyes of many. She then did the same to Jake

Balance between us (Tsu'tey)Where stories live. Discover now