Friday Night Excursion

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The trio planned to spy on Professor Zabini on Friday. After Dinner they snuck Harry's old invisibility cloak from his office and snuck down to the dungeons where the professor slept. Being the newest member of the staff,the transfiguration professor felt more comfortable by the Slytherin common room.
"Where is he?" James whispered impatiently
"I don't know!" Lily whisper-yelled
Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming towards them.
"Zabini." Teddy mouthed
"Psst! Kids !" Someone whispered "Hide!"
They spun around and saw a pair of hands reach out for them. The hands pulled them into the shadows.
"Lumos." Lily whispered Shakily
The kids looked up saw none other than Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.
"What are you guys doing here?" Harry asked quietly, yanking the cloak off of the trio
"Most likely same as you." James smirked
Harry gave an identical smirk but didn't say a word.
The footsteps got louder and the five wizards faced the sound, wands drawn.
A strangled sound that sound suspiciously like hissing came from the throat of the shadowy figure in front of them. The door opened and the figure entered the room, slamming the door behind him.
"What kind of sound was that?" James asked as they walked back to Harry's office
"Parsletongue." Lily and Harry answered together
Harry stared at her as she continued speaking, ignoring the bewildered looks she was getting.
"And I don't believe that was Zabini cause he's not a parslemouth and that person clearly was." She thought aloud "Why did he have to tell the door to open in parsletongue?"
Harry opened the door to his office, allowing the children and Draco in.
"Lily? How did you know that was parsletongue?" Harry asked
"They same way I know the snakes in the forbidden forest don't like the taste of the rats there." She shrugged
Harry looked at her, confused.
"Listen to me." She said in a language only she and Harry could understand "I don't know how but I've done this since I was little."
Harry smiled knowingly, leaving the other children and Draco lost.
"We have to find out what was in that room." James said determined
"Absolutely not." Harry said "Do not go anywhere near that room!"
James began to argue but caught Teddy's eye and gave in.
"Yes dad." He said
The three kids started to leave the room.
"James ." Harry said "You forgot this."
James looked behind him and Harry threw the invisibility cloak at him.
"Behave." Harry said with a wink
The trio walked out of the room smiling mischievously. The door closed and Harry turned his back to it, smiling.
"He's not going to listen to you is he?" Draco asked
"Nope." Harry said
"You're not going to stop him are you?"

A/N: How'd you like it? I know Harry most likely stopped being a parslemouth after Voldemort died but for the sake of the story let's just say he didn't. Was it good? What do you think our little trio will get into? What was so special about that room and why was Harry in the dungeons?
P.S. The next chapter takes place right before Christmas break. Absolutely no clue why. Just feels like that's when all the crazy stuff happened that and the end of term.

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