Luke: You two play Romeo and Juliet in a play

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You were casted for a role for the lead, Juliet. Everyone loved the play. Luke was Romeo. Ever since he was casted, you couldn't take your eyes off him during rehearsals and in the school hallways. He would always do nice things when you’re around him. And that’s when you completely  fell head over heels for him.

The Director, Mr. Walls, called you and Luke for one last rehearsal. Paul says,

“Ok,  we’ll save the kiss scene until the acual thing. So let’s reherse some parts of the script and, tonight’s performance will be a blast!’ he sqealed. No one payed attention to him. But you only listen to his words only, We’ll save the kiss until the acual thing. It was truely frightnetning. You haven’t gotten your first kiss yet, but you wanted it to be good.

After rehearsals  you took your bagged from  the backstage closet. Luke came walking up from behind you and tapped you on the shoulder.

You turned around, and looked into his blue glimmering eyes.

“Hey Y/n, Umm, I’m sorta scared about the kiss, it’s my first kiss and I—-“

he got pulled away by the other boys all of a sudden and got carried out to the exit.


He yelped out an answer before the gang took him away.

“I’ll tell you later, Y/n!”

And he was gone.

-A few mintues until the play starts-

You were looking for Luke. You spotted his blonde hair and called his name.

“Hey, Luke.”

“Oh, hey Y/n…. How are things going?”

“Umm, good. What were you trying to tell me a while—-“

Mr. Walls interuppted. “Hey, You part is up.” He said to you.

You sloatched. “I’ll tell you later, Luke” as Mr. Walls grasped your arm and pulled you away from Luke to the stage.

-the kiss is coming up-

Luke was on the ground pretending to die like the real Romeo.

Ok, here’s the kiss.

You leaned down on him and kissed his lushy lips. He kissed back, but he wasn’t supposed to. He was supposed to be dead. You pulled back and stared at him.

The curtains was drawn , crowd went wild, and the scene ended.

You ran out to the back stage thinking,Oh god, he didn't like it.

You heard footsteps behind you. Luke.

“Look, about the kiss—” you said, but Luke cut off and kissed you, holding your waist tightly . You kissed back and pulled away.

“I like you, Y/n. Be my princess?”

As a response, you kissed his lips deeply and said, “Of course , Luke!” :))XX

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