Chapter 1

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*Newt's POV*

We get a new greenie once a month, in what we call the box. Which speaking of, the box's siren started to go off. That loud noise blaring through the glade. Everyone gathered around and we all waited anxiously. Gally opened the box and we glanced at each other before I jumped down. 

"What do you see Newt?" Alby asked. "Come on Newt, tell us."

I looked up at everyone. "It's a girl." I gave them all a confused look. 

"A girl?" Voices emerged all around. 


"I call dibs first." One boy shouted. 

"No one gets dibs." Alby said. The girl looked around at all of us, confused. I mean who blames her? We all had the same reaction when we got here. 

"Where am I? Who are you?" She backed against one of the walls with fear all over he face. 

"Everyone back to work." Alby called. "Leave the Greenie alone." One by one everyone began to slowly break away from the box. I pulled myself out and held my hand out to her. 

Once she was out she seemed angry. "Someone answer my questions." She looked between Alby and I. She slowly spun in a circle, taking in her surroundings. The glade and everything we've built in it, the maze, and the people. Once she saw the opening to the maze she made a run for it. 

"We have a runner!" I shouted and everyone's turned to watch her. She made it halfway there before tripping and falling to the ground, hard. Alby and I walked to her. "Come on. We'll explain it all in due time." She stood up and before she was able to run again I grabbed ahold of her arm and we took her to the pit.

"This is only for tonight, to make sure you don't run again." Alby said, tying the wooden door shut. "Someone will be back in the morning to get you out. Try to get some sleep in the mean time, " and with that Alby was gone.

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