Sea Serpent

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A sea serpent has been haunting the ancient indian ocean. Many sailors got killed and all of the sailors didn't dare to cross the indian ocean.

After Scar defeated the mighty dragon he was confident that he could defeat the sea serpent. He went to get Eric the ebony warrior. He told him about the sea serpent and Eric did not to come but Scar persuaded him to come. The set out towards the indian ocean not knowing that many dangers lay ahead. On their way they stopped to rest under a dead tree unknowingly that tree was the foot and leg of an enormous titan who wasn't very happy that they were there.

He wielded a huge club which he swung toward his foot Scar looked up and saw the massive club hurling towards them! Scar immediately pushed Eric out of the way the club hit the titans foot with extreme force! The titan howled in pain Scare hid with Eric where the titan couldn't reach them. "How do we defeat it you can't kill a titan!" said Eric "We need to get away somehow." said Scar. Lucky were they had hid was a massive cave system they were able to sneak under the titan and when they reached daylight they realized that they made it to the indian ocean!

Now they had to make a boat and find that sea serpent the boat part wasn't hard finding the sea serpent was a different story. The problem was the indian ocean was huge. The sea serpent was well hidden. "hmm." said scar "how are we going to find that sea serpent?" asked sacre. "It won't be long now, look." Leaping out off the water was a huge sea serpent! When it landed in the water it started speeding toward Scare and Eric!

Lucky Scar had brought bows and arrows "don't get thrown overboard!" shouted Scare. They took aim and fired at the sea serpent Erics shot missed but Scares shot hit clear on the head blood started spewing out of the sea serpents head. "If it loses a lot of blood it will die!" shouted Scar e "Keep aiming for the head!" yelled Eric their last couple of shots were dead on. The sea serpent was slowing down due to the loss of blood Scar took out his sword and when the sea serpent came close again he struck it into the sea serpent's skull killing it! The sea serpent is dead! And so the sea serpent died and all sailors go back to the indian Ocean!  

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