Chapter One - She bakes Cupcakes

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Chapter One

Three years later…..

“Where the hell are you?  So you’re not coming anymore?”

“What do you want me to tell our son?   That his Mother is ditching him once again“

 “You know what?   Forget it….you are pathetic.   This is the last time Linda that I’m putting up with your crap.   Your visitations are over, you’ll be hearing from my lawyers”.  

 Slamming the phone down, Joshua exhaling a deep breath, now has to break the news to Tyler that his Mother cannot be bothered to come and spend time with him.   Stupid bitch he muttered, I swear I don’t know what I ever saw in my ex.   She’s materialistic, self-centered, I should have known she would have only wanted me for my money.   I’ll never regret Tyler though, I’ve always wanted children. 

Knock, knock.   

“Rosalina……..can you get the door please”, yelled Joshua.    

I don’t know what I would do without Rosalina, my nanny/housekeeper, she’s my godsend.    Owning my own construction company keeps me on my toes, and most of the time not enough time to spend with Tyler.   Hmmm…I need to fix that, maybe hire and make someone to be a VP or something.   Just so much work to do and I’m either required at the office or on the job site.  

“Joshua…..where are you?”  I heard the familiar voice of my sister Naomi, another godsend to me. 

“I’m in here….. the kitchen I mean” exclaimed Joshua.    Skipping into the kitchen and stopping dead on her tracks, I knew she would know something was wrong as I was drying Tyler’s tears.    Naomi looking at me gave me the WTF look and all I had to do was mouth the word “Linda” to her and she knew exactly what that meant.  

“Tyler….come give Auntie Naomi a hug, I’ve missed you!”     Sliding down from his stool Tyler slowing made his way over to his Aunt and sobbed on her shoulder.   

“Hey….don’t cry sunshine, want Auntie to take you to the park and then maybe for some ice cream?”   Perking up, Tyler nodded, looked at his Dad for approval and was beaming after his Dad gave him the thumps up.   

“Joshua, do you want to come with us? asked Naomi. 

 “Um….well do you think you could take Tyler and let me stay here and make some phone calls”.  “I need to call Dave about something going on at the job site tomorrow and I need to make a quick call to my lawyer”.    Lifting an eyebrow to her brother on the last remark, Joshua told his sister that he would fill her in later.  

“When you guys get back, let’s have dinner together, what do you say bud?  Want Auntie to have dinner with us?”

 “Can you stay Auntie Naomi, pretty please!!” squealed Tyler.  

“Sure….anything for my two favorite boys”, said Naomi.

“Higher, higher…..Auntie…..please!!” shouted Tyler. 

 “Sure Tyler, one more big push………… you go!” said Naomi.    

“Is this swing taken” asked the pretty brunette.

 “No”, responded Naomi, “go right ahead”.    

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